Chapter 2: The Journey to Seiran.

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           Rei grappled with the weight of last night's events, the gravity of his newfound freedom mingling with the guilt of having taken another person's life. The mysteries surrounding the Curse of Ruin and Kris's enigmatic ambitions added to the tumultuous storm in his mind.

A sudden knocking jolted him back to the present, and a voice pierced through his contemplation, "Rei, are you awake? If so, get dressed. We're getting you some new clothes. And, before you ask, Kris won't be joining us; she's nursing a hangover."

Approaching the door, Rei voiced his financial concern, "I don't have any money."

"Relax, I swiped Kris's card," reassured Kisane.

"Give me a second, I'll be down shortly," replied Rei.

"We need to hurry before Kris sobers up," Kisane urged from the other side, her footsteps fading away.

Reflecting on the previous night, Rei cringed at the memory of indulging in a proper meal for the first time, shedding the familiar shackles of table scraps. His embarrassment deepened as he recalled his unrefined dining manners and the appalled expressions of those around him.

After donning new clothes and washing his hair, Rei noticed his unruly bangs obscuring one eye, prompting a self-aware sigh, "I need a haircut."

In the lobby, he easily spotted Kisane with her distinctive white hair. Greeting her, he said, "Yo."

Putting away her book, Kisane responded, "Good, you're finally here. Now we can go."

Intrigued by the book, Rei asked, "Hey, what are you reading?"

Dismissing it nonchalantly, Kisane avoided eye contact, "Oh, it's nothing. Moving on, before we leave Utopia, we need to freshen you up a bit. Seiran is kind of upper-class, being the second most advanced nation." She said before making her way to the door.

"I'm still in disbelief. Are we truly heading all the way to Seiran?" Rei questioned, catching up to her.

As Rei took a closer look at Kisane without the white cloak, he observed a woman slightly shorter than himself, adorned with striking features. Her snow-white hair cascaded down to her waist, and she wore a long-sleeve button-up featuring a harmonious blend of blacks and whites. The most captivating detail was a silver armored sleeve, starting from her shoulder and ending with a loop around her middle finger, embroidered with a snakeskin-like pattern. Her knee-length skirt and pants, predominantly black and white with subtle silver accents, continued the serpent-like motif down her left leg. Completing the ensemble were black boots with eye-catching red soles. The overall look was a harmonious fusion of colors and textures that added to Kisane's mysterious allure.

The contrast between them became even more apparent as they strolled through the streets of Utopia. Walking alongside a drop-dead gorgeous woman was a novel experience for Rei, and although he wasn't opposed to it, the disdainful glares from passersby were somewhat demoralizing. Yet, he chalked it up to the expected reaction from people of his background.

Kisane guided him to a suit store, prompting Rei to question, "Kisane, what are we doing here?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?" he added.

"I thought we were getting combat clothes," Rei clarified.

"We are," Kisane affirmed.

"Still doesn't explain the suit store."

"Okay, if not here, where do you want to go?" Kisane raised an eyebrow.

Rei responded bluntly, "A blacksmith would be preferable."

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