Chapter 9: Skadi's Champion, Freya

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Freya stirred awake with a newfound vigor pulsing through her veins, anticipation coursing through her as she realized that today marked the end of her mission, the culmination of her mission. With a determined spirit, she donned her armor, each piece fitting snugly as if it were an extension of her being. Her cape billowed behind her, a symbol of her resilience and unwavering resolve.

The Dawnfrost crossguard shimmered with an aura of pride, its delicate patterns intricately woven into the fabric of Freya's cape, each thread of silver tracing a story of courage and resilience, against the backdrop of her icy blue ensemble.

As Freya emerged from her suite, the familiar faces of her vanguard greeted her, their presence a comforting reassurance as she embarked on the final leg of her journey. With purposeful strides, she made her way towards her destination, her mind focused on the task at hand preparing Senator Ivark for their imminent departure.

Freya knocked on the door. "Senator, preparations for our departure are almost finished." When there was no response, her eye twitched. "Wake up, Ivark!" she shouted, kicking down the door...

Freya covered her mouth and nose with her blue handkerchief as a look of disgust was evident in her eyes. "Ivark..."

The senator and the other woman awoke to the sudden chill in the room, "Fre–FREYA! What are you doing here I thought I told you to knock!"

Ivark was about to uncover himself when the temperature dropped immediately, "Flash me and I castrate you." Freya said her tone was icy as usual before she took a breath still covering her face to avoid the stench of sweat and semen. "Get dressed, our departure for the capital is imminent, you have 20 minutes," Freya slammed the door leaving Ivark alone with the girls.

"Sorry, ladies, but I must be going now. If you want more, come to Shivalia, and we can pick up where we left off," Ivark said, dressing as quickly as possible, Meanwhile, Freya exited the hotel, striding purposefully towards a cluster of carriages. Each was equipped with wolves harnessed by magical reins, with Fenrir, the largest and most imposing of the pack, standing at the forefront, awaiting her command.

That's when Freya approached Roma who was leaning on one of the carriages smoking a cigarette, "Y'know smoking shortens your already short lifespan, Roma,"

"Nice of you to finally show up, Lady Freya," Roma exhaled, "And hey, I've got my reasons for this habit. Don't worry your pretty little head about it."


"Moving on, are we ready to get this mission over with?" Roma blows out a puff of smoke.

Freya looks at him, "Relax only one more day and you'll receive your payment. Sol and Skadi thank you for your cooperation,"

Roma put a hand up, "Look, I don't give a damn about the favor of your gods. It's the money I care about," he said with a dismissive wave, his voice rough with irritation.

Freya sighs before walking over to Fenrir, "Shame you would've made an excellent member to the vanguard,"

"Yeah, an elven military force made up of women. I'm sure I'll fit right in," Roma muttered sarcastically as he headed towards the carriage.

As he walked, a sense of unease crept over him. Despite the current calm, his instincts warned him otherwise. "Everything has been peaceful up until now," he thought to himself, "but my instincts know better. This is simply the calm before the storm."

Soon after Roma settled into the carriage, Ivark arrived and stepped inside. Freya mounted Fenrir, her voice resonating with authority as she declared, "We depart for Shivalia. May the Divine Will of Dawn and Frost watch over us." As she brandished her blade, frost began to crystallize along its edge, shimmering in the light.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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