Chapter 3: A Royal Lesson

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Kisane and Slade vanished from sight in a blur, their blades moving faster than sound. Rei strained to follow their movements, but all he could perceive were the dazzling sparks and fleeting afterimages left in their wake.

"What's happening? I can't track their movements," Rei exclaimed, frustration and awe lacing his voice as he struggled to keep pace with the lightning-fast duel unfolding before his eyes.

Kisane's swiftness was undeniable, yet her strikes seemed to lack depth, barely scratching the surface of her opponent's defenses. Rarely did she muster the resolve to fully commit to her slashes, hindered by Slade's unmatched speed and his cunning mastery of shadows, which added an elusive layer to his defense.

Slade executed a mesmerizing twirl of his scythe, directing the menacing spearhead toward Kisane with precision before lunging forward. Kisane, ever agile, swiftly dodged the attack, but before she could counter, Slade's form dissolved into shadow, seamlessly melding with the ground beneath him, eluding her powerful slash.

Kisane's sharp gaze swept the surroundings, alert for any sign of danger when she noticed Rei's Shadow behaving oddly once more. Before she could react, Slade burst forth from Rei's Shadow with lethal intent, poised to strike.

"I won't reach them in time," Kisane lamented inwardly, her mind racing as rushed to Rei.

Suddenly, the enigmatic voice that had spoken earlier resurfaced, its command resonating through Rei's form, "Behind you..."

Rei's body moved with a fluidity that seemed detached from his conscious will, instinctively engaging Slade in combat. "Huh?" Rei uttered, his confusion evident as he struggled to comprehend the sudden surge of action.

Beneath the sinister visage of his crow-like mask, even Slade appeared taken aback, his expression morphing into one of bewilderment. "This is no ordinary boy..." he muttered, his voice tinged with a mix of surprise and intrigue.

Caught off guard and momentarily distracted, Slade failed to notice the approaching wave of anti-magic until it was nearly upon him. In a sudden realization, he attempted to react, but it was too late. The force of the anti-magic slammed into his face, sending him hurtling backward, crashing into a nearby tree trunk with a resounding thud, several meters away.

Kisane's voice snapped Rei out of his trance, "Hey you ok?"

"Yeah..," Rei looked down at his hand, a puzzled expression knitting his brows as he grappled with the sudden surge of power coursing through him.

Meanwhile, Slade, still reeling from the effects of the anti-magic, struggled to regain his composure. With a grunt of frustration, he adjusted his mask, spitting a glob of blood onto the ground. "Damn anti-magic..." he growled through clenched teeth, his anger palpable as he fought to overcome the lingering effects and fully recover.

"Looks like the game's mine, Orochi," Slade remarked with a sly smirk as his forces materialized from the shadows, encircling their adversaries.

"Damn it, he was just stalling us..." Kisane cursed under her breath, realization dawning upon her.

"I believe I have a new desire because of your little stunt," Slade said coldly, staring at Kisane and Rei with a penetrating glance. "Although I was hoping to kill him quickly, I'm actually looking forward to the day when you two are dead. Orochi, rejoice, for I will give you a death fitting of their sins."

With a snap of his fingers, Slade's scythe whirled through the air, seamlessly landing in his waiting grasp. Kisane's reaction was one of shock, her eyes widening in disbelief as she witnessed the flawless display of weapon control.

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