Chapter 6: Lost Eden

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As Rei traversed the threshold, an onslaught of alien sensations engulfed him, crashing over his consciousness like a relentless tidal wave. He found himself plummeting through the swirling vortex of the wormhole, lost amidst the tumultuous currents of the unknown.

Before long, a chillingly familiar sensation surged from his dominant arm, sparking an inferno of dread within him. His gaze fell upon his right arm, now enveloped in the ghostly blue flames that had haunted his nightmares, sending shivers of panic coursing through his being as the fabric of space itself contorted around him.

"No, no, no! Not now!" Rei's desperate cry echoed through the void as he felt the ominous presence from his dreams looming over him once more. Reality began to twist and distort around him, until a sudden crack shattered the illusion, wrenching him back to consciousness in a cold sweat.

"Look, he's finally awake." A foreign voice sliced through the haze, jolting Rei from his disoriented state.

Kris stood by his bedside, accompanied by a blond elf with dull gold eyes, clad in what appeared to be a doctor's coat. With a quick motion, she removed her glasses and settled into a nearby chair.

Relief washed over Rei as he examined his arm, finding it miraculously unharmed. He released a heavy sigh before mustering the courage to speak. "How... how long was I out, and where am I?"

"You were unconscious for five days. You're currently in the main headquarters of Lost Eden, located in Yggdrasil," Kris explained.

Rei's brow furrowed in confusion, though his panic began to subside. "What happened...?"

"You happened, but the details elude me," Kris replied with a clap of her hands. "That's why Bianka here will fill you in on the specifics."

Turning his attention to the blonde elf, Rei awaited her explanation as she began to speak, "Your Mana destabilized the equilibrium necessary for interdimensional travel, to put it in layman's terms. Usually, when the gates encounter such an unstable presence, they reject you entirely," Bianka explained with a hint of concern in her tone.

"That's my fault. I cast a suppression spell on you, keeping your Mana bottled up within you," Kris admitted, her expression reflecting regret.

Rei's confusion deepened as he processed the information. "I still lost..."

"Fortunately, you didn't end up scattered across the realms, but I still need to give you a check-up before anything else," Bianka interjected, her voice calm yet authoritative.

"Okay..." Rei agreed reluctantly, bracing himself for whatever examination awaited him.

Kris rose from her seat, exchanging a meaningful glance with Bianka. "Meet us in the common room once you're finished," she instructed before departing, leaving Rei to his examination.

"Okay, how many fingers am I holding up?" Bianka inquired, extending three fingers in front of Rei's face.

"Three," Rei responded promptly, his voice steady.

Bianka then placed a hand over his heart, causing a faint blush to color Rei's cheeks. "Heart rate normal, steadily increasing, noted," she remarked, her professional demeanor unwavering.

Next, she proceeded to test his reflexes. "Reflexes seem normal. Alright, I need you to lay on your stomach, shirtless," Bianka instructed.

"Pardon?" Rei couldn't help but ask, a hint of confusion lacing his tone.

"This is purely professional. I just need to gauge how unstable your mana is," Bianka stated with a deadpan expression, her tone serious and focused.

"R-Right," Rei responded, understanding the necessity of the examination. He obediently removed his jacket and unbuttoned his shirt before settling back onto the bed.

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