Chapter 5: Welcome to Seiran

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After taking a moment to soak in the breathtaking view, Zeke unfurls his trident with a flourish. "Alright, folks, now that our newest member has beheld the wonders of Seiran, it's time to kick off the diving process."

Rei's brow furrows in confusion. "What does he mean by that...?" His confusion quickly turns to terror as he notices the mischievous glint in Zeke's eyes.

"Zeke, quickly, give Rei a warding sigil!" Mari's urgency cuts through the air as the boat starts to list dangerously.

With a nonchalant shrug, Zeke replies, "Sorry, fresh out of sigils." A smirk plays on his lips as he taps his trident against the boat's hull, causing it to lurch downward even faster.

"You mother-"

Kris swiftly improvises a breathing device for Rei, but despite their efforts, he's already soaked through. With a sigh, Rei resigns himself to his drenched state as they prepare to anchor the boat.

Once Zeke secures the boat, he and Mari undergo a transformation, their gills becoming more prominent and their human legs morphing into sleek aquatic tails. Mari's tail shimmers with a beautiful teal hue, while Zeke's, in stark contrast, bears scars and even a missing portion, its once vibrant blue now dulled.

Rei's curiosity piqued, he asks, "Wait, they're Sirens?"

"Well, Rei, the correct term is Seirian," Mari gently corrects him.

"Ah, got it."

"Let's keep moving, everyone. The sooner we reach the checkpoint, the sooner Rei can meet everyone," Kris urges, her tone firm.

"The sooner I can collapse into my bed," Zeke interjects with a wry grin.

The group proceeds to the checkpoint which seems to be a gateway made of water, where two armored Seirian guards stand sentinel, wielding spears reminiscent of Zeke's trident. Their armor is adorned with depictions of sea beasts, adding to their imposing presence.

Zeke gracefully approaches one of the guards. "Gentlemen."

The guards bow respectfully, allowing Zeke to pass. However, they halt Rei in his tracks.

"Halt! Present your identification, boy," one of the guards demands, blocking Rei's path with a stern grip on his spear.

Rei is taken aback by the unexpected request, his confusion evident. Suddenly, realization dawns on Kris. "Oh, right. How could I forget? Of course, he'd need an ID."

Kris pauses, mulling over the situation for a moment before turning to Zeke with a pleading look. "Zeke," she begins, her tone earnest.

"What?" Zeke responds, a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"Please, just this once, cover for him. I completely forgot he'd need an ID to pass the checkpoint," Kris admits, her expression conveying genuine regret.

Zeke hesitates, weighing his options. "Why should I use my military rank to help someone I don't even know..." he starts to protest, but one glance at Kris's determined expression tells him it's not worth the argument. Reluctantly, he relents. "Fine."

Swimming over to the guards, Zeke pulls them into a huddle, whispering something urgently. "Are you sure, Lieutenant?" one of the guards questions skeptically.

"Yes, just send Shell to Izzy's later," Zeke asserts firmly.

"Understood, Lieutenant!" The guard turns to Rei, his demeanor softened. "Apologies for the inconvenience, lad. Enjoy your time in Seiran."

Rejoining the group, Rei is relieved as they approach the vortex's gateway. Stepping through, he feels a sudden shift, the sensation of being underwater dissipating. Fish swim gracefully around them, and Rei marvels at the sight of Seirians moving effortlessly through the air as if submerged in water.

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