Chapter 2: Cloudypaw...

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Berrypaw opened her eyes to a black void with red glowing dots and blue glowing dots, one color on the left and one on the other. Confused by the vision, Berrypaw pushed herself forward by trying to walk, it was a lot slower than walking on solid ground but it worked, as she slid forward some of the dots turned to out lined cats they were hissing at each other, suddenly a red eyes flashed on the red side and the blue cats and red cats all attacked, Berrypaw squinted her eyes and saw some cats with no outlines but was visually there. They seemed to be on the blue cats side, as the cats raged to war the scene faded away and now it was all dark. Suddenly gravity seemed to have come back and now she was plummeting in endless darkness.

Berrypaw raised her head as she woke up, her fur was bristling and her paws were quivering, she looked around and all the apprentices were still asleep, she rose to her paws and left the den making sure she didn't wake anyone up, once she was able to leave the den she sat down at the edge of the small hill the lead to the small clearing were all the ceremonies happen and gazed up at the stars, she could see the trees leaves swinging around the the soft breeze, and a group of colorful eyes. Wait.. eyes? Berrypaw fixed her eyes at the glowing eyes and saw a whole band of rouges who seemed ready to attack the camp, Berrypaw also caught that there were six red eyes that seemed to be the leaders of the group.

"Rouges!" Berrypaw yowled, hoping the call would awaken the clan, as she called for her clanmates the rouges also heard and jumped down, there seemed to be thousands of them as they all streamed from the top of the camp. Berrypaw was bumped by Bearpaw as he ran past her and attacked a rogue. Berrypaw looked over to where most of the rouges were and the warriors were running out of the warriors den. The screaming and yelling overwhelmed Berrypaw making her dizzy, she staggered back a bit and then heard a growl, turing to see who it was a large red eyes rouge was stalking her from the side, Berrypaw didn't know what to do but just then Tumblepaw dashed out of the apprentice den and attacked that exact rouge, as the two cats fought Berrypaw heard her brother call her name.

"Berrypaw get in here!" Thunderpaw yelled, Berrypaw managed to move from her spot and ran into the apprentice den, shock flowing through her body, she knew she shouldn't feel this scared because she was an apprentice but the fact that she didn't know and fighting moves caused her to be more scared.

"Berrypaw?" It was Pinkpaw, Berrypaw looked at her friend wide eyes relizing that she zoned out.

"S-Sorry.." Berrypaw mewed, she was trembling and her eyes still wide. She was looking at the floor. She felt useless right now as she was not helping her friends defend the apprentice den or helping her clan fight the rouges, she tried to shake off the fear but she just couldn't. She looked up as she heard a hiss, she saw her brother back up his back arched, fur bristled, claws unsheathed, and teeth showing. Thunderpaw spat at the rouge throwing him a warning, the warning didn't affect the rouge and the rouge smiled, the rouge glared at Thunderpaw and then lunged at Thunderpaw pinning him to the ground. Pinkpaw let out a screech of terror and Thunderpaw failed to break free from the rouges paws, the rouge dug his claws into Thunderpaw's shoulders, making his scream in agony and desperately try to pull free, the rogue lowered his head and whispered something to Thunderpaw that Berrypaw was just able to hear.

"Say goodbye," the Rouge hissed and then dug his teeth into Thunderpaws neck and killed him. Berrypaw screamed, just then tears streamed from her cheek. She looked at the entrance of the den and saw both her father and Poppypetal. Fury was visible in her fathers eyes as he growled at the rogue. Poppypetal ran over to her and Pinkpaw while Hawpouce chased the rogue out of the camp. The yelling seemed to have calmed down to nothing just then, but Berrypaw was still in shock staring at her brother's limp body. She heard Poppypetal next to her but she was in such a strong stage of grief and shock that she couldn't move. Soon she was able to stand up with the help of Poppypetal and Pinkpaw who were leading her into the medicine den. She was greeted by Fernpaw who ran in to get her mentor. Poppypetal laid her on the nearest nest and Pinkpaw laid next to her licking her ear in a comforting way, Willowfrost padded over to her with a herb in her mouth.

"Eat this..." Willowfrost mewed gently. Berrypaw reached for the herb and chewed it, it had a strange tang to it but she swallowed it anyway, Fernpaw also gave her some poppy seeds which Berrypaw also ate.

"Will she be ok..?" Pinkpaw asked Willowfrost.

"Yes, she is just in shock. She will be able to sleep with her brother today" Willowfrost said, then added. "Take her to her den with her brother so she can say goodbye.."

Pinkpaw nodded and helped Berrypaw up, Berrypaw looked at her friend and could see worry in her eyes, the sun was just over the trees but Berrypaw had no motivation for training today. While she and Pinkpaw headed back to the apprentice den they saw some warriors head into the medicine so there wounds could be healed, Berrypaw turned into the hole in the tree stump that led to the den for the apprentices, it seems Poppypetal had already moved Thunderpaw's body into his nest so Berrypaw could sleep with him. Berrypaw lay next to her brother's cold body and wrapped her tail around him, his scent was still there. Then she saw a white feather next to her brother, she grabbed the feather and dug it into her fur next to her ear so it would stay. She closed her eyes suddenly feeling tired and drifted to sleep.

Once again she dreamed but this time she was in a lush green forest, it seemed to be greenleaf, Berrypaw looked around trying to see if anyone was there she couldn't see anyone but she could smell someone familiar was near. She continued to scan her surroundings only finding flowers and grass and trees, just then one of the bushes rustled and Berrypaw turned her body around to see a white pelt with stars floating around him.

"Thunderpaw!?" Berrypaw exclaimed, looking at her brother was this Starclan? Why was she here? She was no medicine cat. Then she realized that her paws were giving off the weird feeling again she raised her paw and saw that it was glowing a white like color.

"Berrypaw, I understand you are confused but I have an explanation." Thunderpaw said calmly, "You have a special power. You can connect to Starclan"

"I can what..?!" Berrypaw exclaimed, looking at her brother's spirit in shock.

"Look... I don't have much time..the clans..!" But the dream disappeared and now Berrypaw was awake, her brother's body was gone and buried probably, Berrypaw got up and saw the Poppypetal waiting for her outside.

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