Chapter 8: A Strange vision

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As Berrypaw drifted off into a deep slumber she waited to see her brother's White pelt with the black cape or Starclan's territory but nothing came instead Berrypaw was just floating in a darkness. No sound, no movement, and no light. Berrypaw tried to move her paw but nothing. Unease filled Berrypaw as she tried looking around, but it was all black she couldn't tell if she was looking up of down until suddenly a glowing red eyes glowing in front of her, the eyes as in slits and the cat was blending in with the background to the point she couldn't see the cat's pelt. The cat then seemed to take a paw step forward as the cat's paw now showed in the shadows with claws unsheathed and a wide grin on its face, Berrypaw squinted her eyes trying to get a better look but found it impossible to get any further details on the cat's color. The cat soon faded away in a slow step back and now a square with cat like ears and a star glowed in the darkness, it gave off the same feeling she felt when she was in Starclan. Berrypaw guessed that this was symbolizing Starclan and now was curious on why it was there and what was it trying to say? Suddenly a claw slashed across the Starclan symbol and Berrypaw felt a pain in her paw, she lifted her paw to see that the glow began to flicker and a dark feeling of death filled her. The stuff in front of her sped up as now there were two paws, a white one with a light blue glowing star on it and above it a white area with a black paw but a broken up star as if a claw had destroyed it, Berrypaw looked down at the white paw and saw blood splattered all around it and the star was gone. As Berrypaw looked down at the white paw and saw the blood, she suddenly was hit by a wave of dread. She knew something was wrong, very wrong. This vision was telling her something important, but she couldn't quite understand it. It was a warning, a omen... Danger was coming to Starclan.

Berrypaw jolted awake after the dream.. or was it a vision? Berrypaw looked around seeing that Pinkpaw was still asleep, snoring softly in her nest, Berrypaw looked down at her paw still feeling the pain from the dream in her paw. Berrypaw saw a large yet thin thorn embedded in her paw pad, but there was something else.. The thorn was right in the middle of her paw and there was that star printed on her paw, this was a reference to her dream! Berrypaw reached for the thorn on her paw and tried pulling it out but it didn't budge and it hurt like wildfire. Berrypaw rose to her paw, keeping the paw thorn off the ground as blood dripped out here and there. Berrypaw looked back at Pinkpaw making sure she was still asleep and she was, Berrypaw limping out of the den and over to the medicine den.

"Hello?" Berrypaw called, peeking into the medicine cat den which held all the herbs and the medicine cat's nests.

"Berrypaw?" Willowfrost called from behind Berrypaw, Berrypaw jumped in surprise and landed on the paw with the thorn letting out a squeak.

"Woah! Sorry about that.. I didn't mean to scare you..." Willowfrost said, approaching Berrypaw and saw the blood dripping from her paw. Willowfrost grabbed Berrypaw's paw and looked at the thorn in her paw, Willowfrost examined Berrypaw's paw, her eyes glowing interest and then she pulled out the thorn.

"Fernpaw! Get me some Dock leaves!" Willowfrost called, Fernpaw ran into the den and over to the herb store and grabbed a mouth full of flat long leaves and yarrow and dropped it in front of Willowfrost, Willowfrost grabbed the yarrow and chewed it up putting it on her bleed and then wrapped the flat smoother leaves and tied it together.

"There, just be careful on it today, ok?" Willowfrost mewed, Berrypaw nodded and walked out of the den with the leaves around her paw, Berrypaw saw Bearfang and Pinkpaw talking? Berrypaw thought nothing of it and padded over to her friend with a few limps.

"Hello!" Berrypaw called sitting next to Pinkpaw keeping her one paw off the ground.

"Hey! How is your paw?" Pinkpaw asked, glancing at her wrapped her paw.

"Fine, it was just a small thorn.." Berrypaw said, that was a lie, it was a bigger thorn.

"That's good! Me and Pinkpaw were talking about what warrior names you might get." Bearfang said.

"Really? What did you come up with?" Berrypaw asked.

"I though you might get heart! Like.. Berryheart!" Pinkpaw mewed.

"That's a good one but I thought maybe Berrypetal." Bearfang said.

"Shouldn't you wait for the surprise instead of guessing?" Berrypaw turned towards the voice and it was Tumblefeather. "It's better when it's a surprise."

"I agree with Tumblefeather!" Berrypaw mewed, looking at Pinkpaw and Bearfang, Pinkpaw shrugged and Hawkpounce called for petrols.

"Poppypetal! Tumblefeather! And Berrypaw! Hunting petrol and Bearfang, Blueclaw, and Furtail Boulderclan border. And Dawnpatch, Pinkpaw, and Mistcrawl Grassclan border. Darkspot, Barkriver, and Sparrowstripe mid-day hunting." Hawkpounce announced, Poppypetal walked over to Tumblefeather and Berrypaw and she nodded to her mentor and they headed out.

Once they came to a stop Berrypaw saw Poppypetal raise her tail meaning there was prey nearby, Berrypaw dropped down to a hunting crouch and followed Poppypetal to a small area with two voles fighting. Poppypetal flicked her head at Berrypaw to go to the left. Berrypaw nodded and carefully walked to the left of the little area, Berrypaw looked across and saw Tumblefeather finally understanding what was going to happen. Poppypetal is going to leap out and scare the two voles one to Tumblefeather and one to Berrypaw, Berrypaw prepared herself for Poppypetal to strike and what felt like hours Poppypetal finally leaped out making the two voles scurry opposite directions into Berrypaw and Tumblefeather. Berrypaw watched as one of the voles dashed over to her and she waited for the Vole to run past and then leaped out and killed it in a fast killing bite, Berrypaw pulled up with the limp body of the vole. Berrypaw joined up with Tumblefeather and Poppypetal, the second Vole dangling for Tumblefeather's jaws.

"Nice job!" Poppypetal mewed.

"We did it as a team, you should be proud of yourself as well!" Tumblefeather said with the vole still in his mouth.

"I'm aware, lets head back.. I would say this was a successful hunt." Poppypetal said, and turned arounded heading towards camp, Berrypaw followed behind Poppypetal beside Tumblefeather. Berrypaw looked up at Tumblefeather who was a bit taller than she was and then looked back down.

As they arrived back at camp the mid-day hunting petrol containing: Furtail and Sparrowstripe had left and the Grassclan mid-day border patrol containing: Cottonpatch, Slamonbeam, and Blueclaw left as well. Berrypaw ran over to the fresh-kill pile to drop off her fresh-kill and then headed over to Pinkpaw who was sitting alone.

"Hello!" Berrypaw called.

"Hi! Are you excited for tomorrow?" Pinkpaw asked.

"Of course! We are having our warriors assesment!" Berrypaw mewed, sadness washing over her right after she said that.

"Are you ok..?" Pinkpaw mewed, sitting next to Berrypaw and licking her ear. "Is it about Thunderpaw?"

"Yah.." Berrypaw mewed, she hasn't seen him recently ever since she had the nightmare in the dark land... she missed him alot.

"Hey.. he will be happy you made it to be a warrior! You will be representing him and yourself.." Pinkpaw mewed trying to cheer her up.

"Yah... your right! I will be there for both of us!" Berrypaw mewed, pride swelling inside her.

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