Chapter 9: Warriors

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Berrypaw was waiting outside of the camp with Pinkpaw as they waited for Poppypetal, Dawnpatch, Her father Hawkpounce, and Gemstar for there warriors assessment. As Berrypaw waited Gemstar and the others walked out of the bushes, Hawkpounce glancing at Berrypaw with a proud smile. Berrypaw licked her chest fur in embarrassment, what if she failed? She father would be watching and Pinkpaw would become a warrior without her! Suddenly Berrypaw became nervous for the assessment instead of excited.

"Alright! So.. we have two small tasks for you two. The first task is to catch two pieces of prey and the second one will be a border quiz. Your mentors will explain when you get to that part." Hawkpounce explained nodding at Poppypetal and Dawnpatch, Berrypaw looked at Pinkpaw and then ran off to hunt.

Once she was far enough away Berrypaw slowed down and walked as she tasted the air, nothing, Berrypaw then lowered her head to the ground and walked along trying to catch a scent. Suddenly a Bird flew overhead and without a second thought Berrypaw leaped backwards in a back flip extending her paws and claws outwards to hook the Bird and tackle it to the ground. Once Berrypaw felt the skin on the bird she flipped around and pinned the bird to the ground with the same paw and nipped its neck killing it. Berrypaw stared at the limp body in disbelief.

How did I catch that!?

Berrypaw thought, but she ignored the question and picked up the limp body and dug it under a nearby tree and buried it. Maybe this time she can use her skills to catch something other than luck. Trotting along Berrypaw kept her ears pircked for any sound, she soon found a mouse trail and followed it to an open patch in the forest. Waiting for the mouse to be distracted, Berrypaw watched the mouse intensely Before suddenly leaping out at the mouse and landing on the mouse, killing it in a swift bite at the neck.

Sighing, Berrypaw carried the mouse over to the place where she buried the bird and dug it out and managed to find a way to carry both of them over to the older cats. Berrypaw saw that Pinkpaw had decided to leave her first catch where they had started, Berrypaw made her own pile near Pinkpaw's and sat down in wait.

"That reaction to the bird was impressive," a deep mew echoed out of the bushes and Poppypetal and Hawkpounce walked out together.

"I was surprised she even caught it in time, you must have been really alert." Poppypetal mewed with a proud smile.

"Well.. I-I.." Berrypaw stammered. "It was just luck.."

"Don't be hard on yourself Berrypaw! There was a lot of skill used in that catch." Hawkpounce meowed, running his tail on Berrypaw's back.

"I'm back!" Pinkpaw called dropping a squirrel next to her vole, and Gemstar and Dawnpatch walked out of the bushes.

"I would say Pinkpaw passed the first test." Dawnpatch said, nodding at Gemstar.

"Berrypaw did as well!" Poppypetal said happily.

"Good now take your apprentices to the next task.." Gemstar rasped, Dawnpatch nodded and walked off with Pinkpaw. Berrypaw watched them leave and then walked over to her mentor and walked off into Grassclan territory.

Once they arrived at the Grassclan border Berrypaw sat down facing Poppypetal.

"Alright! So I need you to close your eyes and I'm going to change something. Ok?" Poppypetal said, Berrypaw nodded and closed her eyes. Berrypaw could hear Poppypetal moving around.

"Alright." Poppypetal mewed, Berrypaw opened her eyes and saw that Poppypetal was in her same spot but her scent was strong Berrypaw got up and followed it over to the Border and saw a scratch up tree.

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