Chapter 7: Battle test

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Berrypaw and Poppypetal have been wandering around the forest for a while now heading for the training clearing, today was a normal day for once, nothing crazy was planned just battle training and Berrypaw was grateful for that. As they neared the training clearing Poppypetal told her to wait here while she went ahead, Berrypaw obayed this request and had a plan to sneak attack her mentor. Pride welling in her chest as she headed into a bush and hid there waiting for her mentor, she watch ears alert for any sign of movement, soon she saw her mentor walk out from behind a tree and she looked confused about were she had gone, Berrypaw prepared herself for a massive leap and darted at her mentor knocking and pinning her to the ground. Berrypaw giggled at her mentor's surprise.

"Got you!" Berrypaw said proudly, and moved away from her mentor. Poppypetal got to her paws calmly.

"You did! Nice job!" Poppypetal mewed, and shook some dirt off her. "But I decided to change today's training to scouting. Instead I want you to go to the border to the unclaimed area and keep an eye out for rouges."

"Will you be watching?" Berrypaw asked.

"I will," Poppypetal said, and sulked away into the shadows. Berrypaw nodded to herself and walked over to the training clearing. As she arrived at the clearing she sat down on the flat sunning rock letting the sun's warmth warm her fur, what felt like days Berrypaw just layed there watching the border. Soon Berrypaw got to her paws and headed to the border to have a look around for any strange scents when a strange one hit her, someone had been watching her.. Other than her mentor. Unease bubbled in her chest as she followed the scent but it just led her around the clearing she was in. Confused, Berrypaw looked up and saw a white tom with a mystical purple back cape rolling on the sun-rock. Berrypaw crouched down bristling her fur and pinning her ears back and dashed at the rouge knocking him away, the rouge tumbled off the rock. Berrypaw arched her back.

"Hey! I was sunning here!" the rouge hissed, scrambling to his paws.

"And this is Fluffyclan territory rouge!" Berrypaw hissed.

"Fluffyclan-" the rouge was staring at Berrypaw with realization. "Oh! Well I'd better leave.."

Berrypaw hesitated, and flattened her fur. She was confused towards the rogue's actions but let it be, she watched as the rogue

calmly left the territory as Berrypaw just stood there. The Rouge looked back at Berrypaw with an unreadable expression and disappeared into the forest. Berrypaw shook her fur and stood proudly hearing her mentor jump off the tree.

"Great job! I couldn't even tell that the rogue was watching you." Poppypetal mewed.

"How long was that?" Berrypaw asked, looking at her mentor.

"A quarter of the day," Poppypetal mewed. "We had better head back."

"Can I hunt on my way back?" Berrypaw asked, looking at her mentor.

"Sure, don't be late." Poppypetal mewed and headed back to camp, Berrypaw smiled and headed off to find a place to hunt, it didn't take that long for her to hear the squeaking for a squirrel as it nibbled at some nuts. Berrypaw dropped down to a crouch, watching the squirrel closely as she tasted the air , making sure she was down wind which she was. She leaped at the squirrel nipping its neck for a swift kill and lifted the limp prey to the nearest tree to bury the prey.

After a few hours the sun had reached its peak and Berrypaw was walking back with her second piece of prey, which was a mouse, as she bucked through the fern tunnel that lead into camp, Berrypaw saw Owlkit, Sunkit, Thrushkit, and Eaglekit dash past the entrance in a bundle of mews and fur. As she exited the fern tunnel and entered the camp, all the warriors were at work with fixing brambles in dens or sharing tongs about today. Berrypaw walked over to the fresh-kill pile and dropped her mouse seeing that her squirrel she caught was already taken, with a small shake of her pelt to get the dirt out of her pelt she padded over to her mentor Poppypetal who was talking with Furtail.

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