𐙚-- • [ women ] • -- 𐙚

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هكذا تكون الأنثى، عندما تؤذيها تبكي، وحتى لو آذتك، فإنها تبكي.
"That's how the Female is, when you hurt her she cries, and even if she hurts you, she cries.

لا يوجد شيء أجمل من روح امرأة حبها نقي جدا.
There is nothing more beautiful than the soul of a woman whose love is so pure.

كن قوتها عندما تكون ضعيفة. المرأة هي أقوى إنسان ستقابله على الإطلاق.
لكن الرجل الحقيقي لن يسمح لها بالمرور بمفردها، اجعل ألمها لك.
Be her strength when she is weak. A woman is the strongest human you will ever meet.
But a real man will not let her go through it alone Make her pain yours.

عاملها مثل الزهرة، وسقيها لتنمو.
شاهدها تبني منزلا لكما، منزل لن ترغب في مغادرته أبدا.
Treat her like a flower, water her to grow.
Watch her build a home for you two, A home you will never want to leave.

المرأة ليست مكتوبة بطريقة برايل، ليس عليك لمسها لمعرفتها."
A woman is not written in braille, you don't have to touch her to know her."

قلب المرأة نقي جدا، يمكنك كسر قلبها وستظل تحبك مع كل قطعة مكسورة.
A woman's heart is so pure, you can break her heart and she will still love you with every broken piece.

يمكنك أن تنظر إليها ولكنك ستجد أنها ليست ما تراه. لقد أخفت نفسها كثيرا لدرجة أنها أصبحت امرأة غامضة. سيتعين عليك فتح غرف قلبها، لكن الأمر لن يكون سهلا بالنسبة لك. لقد أعادتها إلى خالقها؛ لذا ابحث عنه وستجدها هناك أيضا."
"You can look at her but you'll find she is not what you see. She's hidden herself so much so she has become a woman of mystery. You'll have to unlock the chambers of her heart, but it won't be easy for you. She has given it back to it's Creator; so find Him and you shall find her there too."
- WeepingWayfarer

أختي العزيزة، ستقابلين الكثير من الرجال في حياتك. من فضلك لا تستقر. انتظر. انتظر الشخص الذي تريد أن يكون أبناؤك مثله. ابحث عنه، ثم انتظره إذا كان عليك ذلك.
انتظر الشخص الذي يعاملك كملكة. الشخص الذي يمكنك الاعتماد عليه لحمايتك ورعايتك.
انتظر. انتظر إذا كان عليك ذلك."
"My dear seeking sister, you will meet a lot of men in your life. Please don't settle. Wait. Wait for the one you would want your sons to be like. Find him, and then wait for him if you have to.
Wait for the one that treats you like a queen. The one you can depend on to protect and take care of you.
Wait. Wait if you have to."
- Yasmin Mogahed

We teach girls to shrink themselves, to make themselves smaller.
We say to girls: you can have ambition but not too much. You can have goals but not too big. You can aim for sky but not out of the skies. You should aim to be successful but not too successful oherwise you will threaten the man.'
Years ago, our Prophet (SAW) married a woman who can be labelled as a CEO in today's world terminology. She was one of the most powerful and influential woman of her tribe and Prophet loved her.
Take notes. Don't teach your girls to shrink themselves for the sake of men. Don't teach your girls to limit their goals because they might be too much.
Don't teach them to aspire to marriage.

النساء أفضل في الحب من الرجال. لهذا السبب
جعلهم الله أمهات.
"Women are better at love than men. That's why
Allah made them mothers.
- Shaykh Hamza Yusuf

"يا الله، اجعله يجدك، قبل أن يجدني."
"Oh Allaah, make him find You, before he finds me."

كما صلت الفتيات الأخريات من أجل حبيب وسيم، أو رجل قوة، أو من أجل الشعر. صلت سرا: يا رب دعه يكون من بين الأقرب إليك."
"As the other girls prayed for a handsome lover, or a man of power, or for poetry. She secretly prayed: Ya Rabb let him be amongst those closest to you."

لا تفقد امرأة رأت عيوبك ولا تزال تحبك.
"Don't lose a woman that has seen your flaws and still love you."

إذا كانت المرأة الجميلة جوهرة، فإن المرأة الجيدة هي كنز.
If a beautiful woman is a jewel, then a good woman is a treasure.

To my Mother,
May every tear that has ever fallen from your tired eyes on my behalf, become a river for you in Jannah.

If you see any goodness in me, pray for my Mother. for she raised me that way.

تعرف على ومار
قصائد من رائحة الحزن؟
ومع ذلك فهي تبتسم وتقول:
الحياة لها صعودها وهبوطها..."
"I know a woman
whose poems smell of sorrow
Yet she smiles and says:
Life has its ups and downs..."

- لم أر أبدا أي شيء أجمل من ابتسامة أمي
- I have never seen anything more beautiful than my mother's smile

أغلقت عينيها، ودعت من أجل الأشياء الجيدة لمن تحبهم.
She squeezed her eyes shut, and she prayed for good things for those she loved.

في بعض الأحيان، تبكي على خطاياها السابقة..
Sometimes, she cries over her past sins..

"The Prophet cooked his own food, cleaned his own clothes, and took out his own trash, your wives are not you're maids, ya ikhwaan, they are your partners, do not treat them like dogs, or you are a rejector of the Sunnah of the Prophet"

لا تجرؤ على إيذاء امرأة
تم إنشاؤها من أضلاعك،
في كل مرة تكسرها، تكسر نفسك أيضا.
Don't you dare hurt a women whom
created from your ribs,
for everytime you break her you break yourself as well.

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