Chapter 9

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No POV: Ineritus Packlands

It had been 2 hours since Jason had left. And more than double that since Alaia left. 

Diaboli was gradually getting angry. He knew Jason was alive, as he was infused with some of his magic, meaning when he dies he would be able to feel it. He did not really give Jason an exact location, so finding her, and trying to capture her without trouble, is a difficult task. He knew this, but yet, he was angrily pacing the halls of the Packhouse, keeping all the pack members on edge at all times, even more then they already were, due to his more frequent appearance through out in the buildings. 

He was storming through the hallways, thick heavy boots pounding the floor, when a very shaken looking man approached him. It was one of the well trained men in his pack, one of the people that often went outside the building, to scour the surroundings for anything unusual.  He seemed.. different though. The fear in his eyes, was not from Diaboli, no no. It was something else. Diaboli grew concerned and before the man was able to muster the courage to speak, Diaboli cut him off, 

Diaboli: Aaron? What is it, spit it out? 

The man swallowed and took a deep breath. He said, sounding deeply perturbed for a grown man, 

Aaron: I-its Rose.....

Ugh. Rose. I forgot to punish that traitor. I don't even know where she went after she ran out of that room crying. Pathetic. I rolled my eyes and said to him, an eyebrow raised,

Diaboli: Rose? What about her, what has she done now? 

Aaron: W-well, I was scouring the Underealm near the building, when I started picking up scents of blood. I thought maybe it was a... Rat-Shark or something. But it was not the scent of an animal. It was... Shifter Blood. I sprinted to where it was until it got stronger, then I saw... her.

Diaboli froze. No. NO. Rose cannot be dead. Why? How?

Diaboli: What did you see? TELL. ME. NOW

Aaron was trembling and whatever he saw must of really traumatised him.

Aaron: I-its Rose, Boss, sh-shes dead. There was blood everywhere Sir. H-her skin was.... torn. 

He shook his head side to side and  Diaboli sighed and nodded. If he had tried to get anymore information from him, he would have gone into a full blown panic attack. Diaboli nodded and said sternly,

Diaboli: Wheres the body?

Aaron: I-its still on the grounds sir. I-it is going to be difficult to transport the, body. There so much b-blood, the smell is revolting.

Well shit, he thought. Closely examining the body to see how she died, or was murdered even, would be a good thing to do with his time, while he waited for Jason. He dismissed the still shaking Aaron, and gathered two of his strongest men. He gave them the right equipment and sent them to retrieve the body.

25 minutes later, the two men had gotten the corpse, all in one piece into the yards in the field. When Diaboli was alerted of this, he walked outside, and the sight he saw was not what he expected. Her neck was sliced up to her chin, flies already swarming the area with the dried blood. Her eyes had rolled back into her head, her chest making a sickening gurgling when rolled onto the ground. He rolled her onto her stomach, and wearing a mask inspected her neck. A dagger. But... wait. NO, no,no,no. 

He was going mad. It had the barely visible remains of a purple glowing substance. There was only one person who uses the kind of magic that leaves these remains. And if she was using her magic again, by herself, that's not good. That's not good at all. All it will end with, is destruction. Diaboli touched the bright violet residue and sharp unpleasant tingling spread through his arm. He withdrew his hand, taking a sharp breathe in and shook his head.

He ordered the men around him to get rid of the body, and with some hesitation, and clear disgust, they obeyed. Diaboli walked off, to his office, slamming the door behind him. He sat down at his desk and checked the time. 3 1/.2 hours, since Jason left. Something is wrong. 

As if on queue, he felt a familiar sharp slicing pain in his chest. He knew exactly what it was. Jason, hes hurt, it's getting worse. Then, it changed. 

Burning. That is how it felt. The unmistakable pain, that felt like someone  burning through your skin. Like someone had poured acid on your skin and it's slowly deteriorating your skin. There is only one thing that causes that king of immense pain on Shifters,

 Gold. Fuck,

Gold is prohibited to be used in offence, it is illegal, except... Except with the royals, when in dire conditions, gold is allowed to be used to subdue a danger. The Royals had Jason. Diaboli felt his body adjust to the constant pain, as it never got worse, only sometimes spiked up a tiny bit. What the hell was he going to do now? His right hand man was in the other realm, in the one place he vowed to never go, being hurt with the one thing every Shifter loathes....

~To Be Continued~

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