Chapter 14

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Alaia's POV:

What the actual hell is happening right now??

Me, the child, of the King and Queen? Pfft.

And yeah, I know, I called The Queen 'mother' earlier, but I was just delirious!

I was hurt and hungry and it just... I don't know came out...
This can't be happening, they are not, my parents.

Alaia: Nope

I watched as the King and Queen look at each other, then back at me, confused.

King Lucierre: Erm, what do you mean... nope?

Anastasia: You ARE our daughter.. if that is what you're implying. Do you not remember the huge light show, and levitating into the air a few hours ago???

Alaia: I don't know, maybe I was going crazy.... Or-or maybe I'm like... cursed, that would explain multiple things in my life, but, I don't know! But I'm not your daughter okay!

I can't be....

I turn to look at them, my face sad looking, but then morphing into one of anger.

King Lucierre: What's wrong darli-

Alaia: NO, don't you 'darling' me. How can I be your daughter when I've been in the Underealm my whole life?!

If I AM your daughter, why haven't I been here, safe, with YOU BOTH?

My fists clenched and my jaw hardened. If I really was the King and Queens child, why have I been struggling all my life? If i am really a princess, why did I suffer for so long.

Alaia: Was I not good enough? Was that it.

The King opened his mouth to speak but immediately sealed it shut when I shouted,

Alaia: NO. I have been told, all my life, the extent of how rubbish I really am, so if that's the case, why am I here now, 17 flipping years later, why?

The Queen was slightly tearing up and looking upset, the King just looked around aimlessly.

Alaia: I'm leaving. I don't want to be here. I might just go back to the Crystal Heart pack, the only person close enough to be family to me is Chloe, some random girl I met.

Queen Anastasia: No! Don't leave. Wait a second. Alaia. Where have you been this whole time...... who's said all those untrue things to you? You need to tell me. We BOTH need to know how and where you survived the underrealm. 

Maybe... the Ineritus Pack ?

I stopped in my path towards the double doors, and bit my tongue. How do they know. But even worse, if they knew, or even had an idea where I was, and they care as much as they say, why didn't they come and get me??

Alaia: I don't need to tell you anything.

King Lucierre: Alaia wait, you DO need to tell us everything, I'm your father. Come and sit down, please dear. You can get comfy and relaxed and we will explain!

Alaia: No. NO. You're not my father. I don't have a father. I don't have a mother either. I've been alone all my life and that's how it will stay.

Both adults started to look a little irked now, and the Queen tensed up at my harsh words. I do feel a little bad, the Queen that was said to be fearless and confident, looked.... broken.

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