Chapter 12

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Unknown Pov:

Right, let's find that thing. She has caused me too much trouble already. Like, i'm supposed to be relaxing. Living my life. I shouldn't be on my feet working at this age. Okay, so i'm not that old, but STILL. I may look fabulous, but don't let it deceive you. Ugh, okay, here we go.

The usual vibrations were sent through the room. The air around me ripples and violet sparks popped in the air, making my baby Rat-Shark run away scared, launching itself headfirst into a wall. Stupid little thing.

I re-focused myself. This should be fairly easy. Oh no. Or not...

Suddenly, it backfired, and a ball of the swirling purple flames flew towards me. I ducked just in time and it hit the stone wall behind me. What the Hell??

I peered into the Huge, Stone, Tripod cauldron. Within the Purple mass, it was writhing like a dying Slug-bird, and crackling like a contained beam of lightning. But, the concerning thing, was the fact that it had streaks of, Gold? Why Gol- OH GODDESS.

Gold? Why the HELL are they keeping the girl in Gold?? First of all they are going to make her angry and she could lose control and Ruin everything. But second of all, the L'entrae's are the only ones permitted to use gold, and they obviously don't know who she really is yet if that's what they have done, because Gold does not affect her as much, as it does to any other shifter. THEY should know that out of everyone.


I screamed in annoyance, and a dark purple beam of power shot out of my hand and hit the wall. The same spot it seems to hit every time I get angry. All the stone around me shook, the dilapidated structure getting progressively unstable for me to stay in. It would be very pathetic if I end up leaving this world, by getting flattened by multiple tonnes of stone. So I need to hurry up what i'm doing so I can leave this appalling place.

It's okay. It is all fine. Let them have their little reunion, and and a happy moment. When they are at their weakest, 'fawning' over each other, I will strike and snatch what they just got back.

No POV; L'entrae's Palace:

On the journey Alaia had blacked out and lost vision many times, this last time lasting at least 15 minutes. When she opened her eyes, she was being dragged through somewhere uncomfortably dark, gloomy and damp. The faint, nauseating smell of old blood filled her nostrils, and her senses amplifying the stench more than she would like. She managed to turn her head to look at the other man, who was dragging Jason. She blinked in shock and took a sharp intake of air, flinching when she saw him.

He was completely unconscious, and by the pale white of his face, and his arms that were chained, he had been for a while. Why was his body reacting that way? Why is he so affected by the gold. Was it his age? Health? No, it can't be, she ate barely anything per day, and had managed to stay conscious for at least half of their journey to...  here. Wherever the hell they were. She was not awake for their arrival, so couldn't even try and escape, or at least prepare for what was about to happen.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the impact of a hard cold surface. She groaned in pain and rolled over to her side. She saw the tall, brawny man, slam the door closed, lock it, then walk out. She was panting in pain and managed to sit up after a few minutes. She was in a cell. Or even a cage. It was so small it was basically just a cage.

Once she had regained some sort of awareness, she sat upright against the bars, and turned to the cage beside her. Alaia now had a full view of Jason, and his face, as he lie almost lifeless on the floor. Every so often, one of his fingers would twitch, or eyelids flicker. The dark circles under his eyes were now more ghoulishly pronounced, and his arms dry and calloused.

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