Chapter 15

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Diaboli's POV: Ineritus Pack Grounds

The scorching burning pain spread through my chest like an infection, and made it impossible to move.

I stumbled backwards onto my chair, and gripped my chest with a growl.
Jason. Gold. AGAIN. THIS IS IT.

I need to get him out. I dunno what sick game these royals are playing, but I refuse to just SIT HERE, while we're both in pain. If he could escape, he would have already. That boy is literally like an agile wind monkey.  The way he can escape places and climb buildings with no problem.

No stupid idiot from this pack, or just any ghost wanderer, will be able to retrieve him. I'm going to have to go and get him myself.

Ugh, For Azuron's sake.

The pain died down and now was just a lingering pain deep in my chest. He was alive, but either unconscious, or hanging on by a thread.

I stormed out of my office slamming the door behind me with a loud slam. I marched to our arsenal and strapped a few knifes and metal knuckle dusters to my weapon belt. I then stopped for a second. We don't still have... wait... no, do we?

I walked up to the weaponry's safe and put in the code. I opened it and my eyes widen. We still have it... I thought the royals took it away. I took out the thick leather sleeve and carefully unsheathed the 8 inch, pure gold, Yanagiba knife.

It was hand carved by the Rogue King during the second realm war. Back when the whole Rogue Shifter empire in the Underealm was still there, before they got completely wiped out.

I put on the leather glove while I handled it. I ran my finger across its base down the middle, it still contained the absorbed dark magic that it was charged with by the king
Himself. If this blade were to touch any of those filthy royals once, they would be permanently infected.
A joyous prospect.

I carefully re-wrap up the knife and slide it into my pocket before I go. It's a family heirloom after all, I have to keep it safe.

King Lucierre's POV: Royal Palace

I sat down next to Alaia, Anastasia on the other side of her. I've been waiting for this moment my whole life. To explain to my daughter what happened to her, and hopefully, praying to the Azuron Goddess, she believes us when we tell her we didn't purposely lose her, or get rid of her.

I smiled as Alaia got comfy in the covers and looked a little skeptical lit at me and my wife. I ruffled my thick locks and looked to her.

Lucierre: I'm going to tell you what happened okay, me and your mother will tel the story, but please, know that we tried our hardest to save you...

FLASHBACK: 15 Years ago, L'entrae Palace; No POV

It was lunch time in the palace.

And everyone knew it, because the baby princess, Alaia, was screaming her head off main the throne room. Twisting and turning in her mother's arms, crying for food.

Eventually the royal meetings ended and both Monarchs walk to the main hall for lunch, the baby in arms.

Lunch went by as a breeze, as the now silent princess had eaten 2 whole bowls of food. It was a normal day. Nothing out of the ordinary. There were no meetings so the king and queen were just spending time with their little one.

That night they put Alaia to sleep in her room. She lie sound asleep in her cot while they went to their own room.

But the ordinary day turned not so ordinary. A few hours later the invasion alarm basted and w joined through the castle, immediately wakening everyone with a start.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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