Part II

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I took a single deep breath as I stepped out onto the prow of the Red Skull. The multitude of my father's men all stood before me, solemn faces. They lined the edges of the cliffs, some dangerously close to the edge, leaning out to hear what I had to say. Waiting for some update on my father's health... but knowing the truth.

"Valhalla..." I paused to swallow the tears, "Valhalla has gained a mighty soldier today." Saying the words made everything more real. I still wanted to pretend he was alive. That he was invincible.

As a child, you grow up with your parents as your protectors. You're never shown their scars or wounds. You're led to believe the world rests on their shoulders and they're strong enough to carry it with you on top. That nothing could hurt your saviors. The ones who carry your world...

But even the mightiest trees get cut down eventually...

"My father always said that when he died," I breathed out a shaky, desperate breath, "that he wanted to die on Blackheart Island. His home."

"You're doing good, kid." Fox slipped his hand into mine discreetly.

"I'm going to take him home..." I stated, actively working to numb myself. Telling myself over and over and over again that things happen and it is what it is.

"Home?" I heard the question echo across the ship and cliffs like ripples on the water.

"I um... I can only take a small crew..." I look out at the faces surrounding me. "After something like this... and now that I'm captain, I understand of none of you men are willing to go." I raised my eyes to give a solemn nod, but am met with every man raising his fist heartily and mumbling that they'll come along. For their captain— referring to my father. "I can't take all of you men. I'm only taking the Maria, The Santiago, and the Red Skull." I paused for a moment. "You can discuss amongst yourselves who goes. I've already picked four men who will indeed be going along. Lincoln as our medic. Winston Bennett as my right hand. Fox. And... and Charlie of Jeshima."

"What?" I heard Charming mumble. Even Fox shot me a confused glance.

"That'll be all." I gestured for the men to go their separate ways. That's it, it's over. It's done. I reminded myself as I took a step back.

"Wait... I'm coming too?" Charming trotted alongside me as I walked towards the steps. I ignored him until his footsteps faded behind me. Everything felt so surreal.

"Jack!" Winston called my name from the ground as I climbed down. I trudged over to him, the mental and physical exhaustion hitting me with every step. "Here, lass. He told me to give this to you on your birthday... but seeing as he won't be there for it, it only feels right to give it to you now." He handed me a small pouch, I didn't need to open it to see what was inside. It was my mother's necklace. I looked down at the cloth bag in my hands.

It was a necklace passed to all the Blackheart men as almost a proposal gift for their wives. I clenched my fist, realizing I was alone. I was the last of my kind. There wasn't anyone after me.

"I have no idea how I'm gonna get him to the island." I admitted, feeling guilty.

Winston put his hands on my shoulders. "You'll find it, lass. You have my trust." He wrapped my hand around my now most prized possession.

"I don't know what I'm gonna do without him, Winnie." I let a single tear fall after a good scan to make sure everyone has dispersed.

"Me neither, lass." He pulled me into a hug and held me tight. "Me neither." I heard his deep breaths as he tried to keep his own tears at bay. Why does life have to be this way? It isn't fair. I bit my lip so hard I start to taste blood. I couldn't let myself cry, or I may never stop. I can't fall apart. Not in front of Winston. Not in front of anyone. Not at all.

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