Part XI

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I watch in absolute horror as Jocelynn's ship is blown to bits. The shockwaves reach our lifeboats moments later, right as the second explosion rings out when the flames reach the lower decks. The air around the island becomes a glowing flame. Winston's men all begin diving into the water when the island starts sinking.

"Dear God, no." Lincoln whispers as he stands beside me. "Oh dear God, please no."

I can't even speak. I'm too sick to my stomach. My vision goes hazy as I sink down onto the boat's bench.

"Come on, let's go." Evan says. The engines kick into gear and we're off.

"What are the chances she survived?" I hear Cub ask Link. He doesn't answer. His face stays stone and emotionless, a single tear rolling down the man's cheekbone as we approach the wreckage. The water goes from an blue haze to a red cloud as we get closer. Bodies and debris float around us.

"There! What's that?" Evan stands to point, nearly flipping us. There, in the water face down, is Jocelynn. Her singed hair floats around her like a halo. Lincoln and Evan drag her lifeless body over the edge and into the boat.

Lincoln presses his ear to her wet chest. "She's got a heartbeat, but it's weak. Come on, Cub, get us back to the ship so we can help her." He says. "Charlie." A hand on my shoulder snaps me out of my sort of daze. "You keep her warm, okay? Make sure her heart keeps beating."

"Okay." I manage. I'm handed her small, limp body. She takes in shallow breaths and lets them out slowly. I press my ear to her heart, praying that it'll keep beating after each faint, rhythmic pound.

Please don't die. I clutch her like a lifeline as the boat reaches the ship.

"Alright, let's get her up there." Lincoln is fighting tears himself.

"Is she gonna be okay?" I ask like a toddler.

Lincoln sighs. "I... I don't know yet. We're hoping so." He pats my shoulder. The men form a sort of assembly line up the rope ladder. I hesitantly pass Jocelynn on to Lincoln, who passes her to Evan, who passes her to Cub and so on and so forth until she's on board.

"Mister Charlie!" The familiar voice tugs at my heartstrings. Her arms wrap around my leg.

"Hey, Macie." I kneel down.

"What happened to Miss Jack? Is she okay?" Tears flood down her round cheeks. "Where's Mister Fox?"

I bow my head, collecting myself and thinking of the best way to answer this child. "Miss Jack got hurt. We don't know yet if she's-" I choke.

Macie seems to understand regardless. She nods, her lip quivers. "And... what about Mister Fox? Did he get hurt too?"

"Fox uh... Fox didn't make it, sweetheart." I tell her. She throws her arms around my neck and lets loose all her tears. "It's okay." I soothe.

"Please don't go away, Mister Charlie." Macie says. "You're l-l-like m-my d-d-dad." She's crying too hard to get the words to come out.

As the world sort of floats around me, I come to the realization that heartbreak is not the worst thing out there. Losing my father, losing my family, losing my heritage. That was heartbreak. But heartbreak can be healed. That's why it's called 'heartbreak'.

I'm experiencing the atomic bomb version of heartbreak. I'm searching desperately for the little pieces of my life. So desperately that my fingers grow raw within seconds. The skin underneath burns with every piece of debris, but I keep searching, hoping this is all just one bad dream. Hoping I'll finally lay eyes on the piece that'll put everything right again.

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