Part III

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I awake with a gasp. I've been moved. I'm sitting up against the wall. A small lantern dimly lights the room. I get a well enough view of the cell. Kelly is leaned against the other wall to my right. She's holding a small girl. Macie. I didn't realize how truly pale they both are. Even their hair is as white as ashes. I can see every bone in their bodies. They won't make it out of here. I look to my left. There're scratches in the wall. Deep ones. It takes me a moment to realize what they are. Tally marks. After around four whole rows across the whole wall, it comes to a stop a quarter through the fifth one. The marks get more and more crooked as they go. The very last one slides all the way down the wall, getting more shallow as it goes.

I hear a shuffle. "You're awake." Macie sits up and rubs her eyes. Kelly wakes up quickly after her.

"Oh, hello." She looks me over. I nod a hello. I realize that I'm not in as much pain anymore. "You owe your life to that guard you were talking to earlier." Kelly tells me.

"What do you mean?" My throat is dry.

"He somehow managed to convince Ryker that you're better to him alive than dead. Ryker let him give you the antidote and get you cleaned up." Kelly says. My eyes harden. Charming had helped me. I don't need him. I don't need anyone's help. I'm supposed to be the captain! I nod. My gaze is drawn to Macie. Her glazed over eyes have a look of complete vacancy.

"Is she okay?" I ask.

Kelly looks at her and sighs. "Macie... Macie..." she shakes her gently. "She does this sometimes. It's 'cause she's sick." She turns to face Macie completely, her body and shadow hides her from view. "Macie... c'mon... Macie... there we go... you drifted off again."

"Did I?" Macie asks as Kelly goes back to her place next to her.

"Yes." Kelly says. They look so small from where I'm at. How could Ryker do such a thing to children? I hate him. I hate him more than I hate Charlie, if you could believe it.

I force myself to stand, my muscles still feeling weak. "How long was I out for?"

"Excuse me?" Kelly didn't hear.

I turn to face her. "How long was I out for?" I repeat myself slowly.

"Oh, hours." Kelly replies. "Time is all the same down here, really. You get used to it."

"I won't have to." I walk along the bars. "We're getting out of here as soon as possible. We're not going to waste another minute rotting in this cursed hold." My anger seeps through my voice. Kelly and Macie are quiet. I can feel their pale eyes watching me as I pace back and forth. "You're coming with me." I tell them.

"Thank you." Macie says. "But I can't walk..."

My eyes meet hers. "I have a crew of nearly two hundred strong. One of them will carry you. And, if none of them do, I will."

"But that poison is still in you. What if carrying me makes it get bad again?" For only a second, I'm reminded that I'm only human, but that's quickly replaced with my usual mindset. I'm a pirate. I can do anything.

"Darling, I don't want you to worry. I'm getting you both out of here." I look from her to Kelly and back again. Their eyes are fixated on me. Like a sea beast looking at the light of a submarine.

"I'm back." Charming's voice interrupts my thoughts. Ugh. Can't he fall overboard or something already? Why couldn't it have been Fox that was playing this part? Or Winston? Or I'd even settle for Cleo. He was a bad liar, though. I doubt he'd make it. "Oh, you're awake, I see." Charming looks me over.

"Curse you." I say darkly. "I didn't need your help you blasted royal swine! I told you so in the first place!"

An amused grin spreads across his stupid face. "I saved your life, pirate. Be grateful. You people never understand how to be grateful." He tosses a wrapped loaf of bread. I immediately hand it to Kelly and Macie.

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