Part IX

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The guards watch as I approach, clearly unaware of who I am. My tired, bruised body can't take any more. I trudge into the light of the hanging lantern.

"Y-you're..." one of the guards stammers as they draw their weapons.

"Relax, relax." I wave my hands in the air slightly. "I come in peace. As you can see, I have no weapons on my person." I stop ten feet away. "I come with a preposition."

The guards exchange glances. "Okay, go ahead..."

"My arrest for my crew's release." I suggest. "My bounty is worth over two-ish million. Bit above, I believe. All I ask is that they're given what they need to sail home."

One of the guards laughs. "Yeah right. What's the trick up your sleeve this time?"

"No trick." I hold my hands above my head as I step towards them. "I'm done running. My name is Jocelynn Blackheart and I'm the last one of my kind, I swear to you." Their eyes widen. "Please. These men are stranded because of me. I need to get them home..."

They look at each other. "Is that all?" They ask cautiously. I nod. "No one in the dark waiting for us to leave our posts?" I shake my head. "Okay... you do realize that your men still have to pay for their crimes and we are under no obligation to not arrest them after giving them their share..."

"Why can't they go free?"

The other guard scoffs. "Someone's gotta be punished for their crimes, Love."

"It'll be me, then. I'll plead guilty to all charges. Don't even tell me what they are. I'll do it." I say without hesitation.

"You're sure?" I nod. "What proof do you have that you're the one we're looking for?"

I show them my tattoos. My family's crest tattooed on my right shoulder.

They look at each other once again. The more experienced guard nodding to the younger one. "Jocelynn Blackheart, I'm placing you under arrest for the multiple charges held against you. Place your hands behind your back please and spread your feet."

I do as I'm told. The cold metal cuffs pinch down on my wrists and ankles.

"You have no idea how long I've waited to do this." The guard chuckles quietly in my ear. "Name's Tex Ryder. Pleasure to meet ya. No hard feelings, right?"

I shake my head.

"Good, good. Hate for a pretty girl like you to hate me." Tex laughs. "Jason, stay out here." He says to the younger guard.

How's this for a good pirate, Fox? Am I good enough now, Fox? Am I as good as he was, Fox?

I'm given a full pat down and lead to a room to change to the grey prison attire. Afterwards, I'm shown to a prison cell.

"My God! Is that..." one of the prisoners across from me leans against the bars, "Are you..."

I nod. "Captain Blackheart? Yes."

His jaw drops. "William Trevor. Pleasure to meet you!" He extends a hand through the bars. I do the same and we shake. "You're a little less... masculine... than I've been told..."

I sigh. "Yeah. So I've been told."

"So they finally got ya?" The man asks.

I shrug. "Turned myself in. Done runnin' I guess."

Will snorts. "What's the angle, Blackheart?"

"No, no angle. Just want out of here."

He nods. "How old are you? If you don't mind my askin'."

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