Part V

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I pace unsteadily between the swing and the other end of the hotel porch. It's been almost five hours. There's still no sign of Lincoln. If any of us get caught here, it's the end. This was a bad idea.

Fox looks worried as well. "Yeah, maybe we should start looking again. Link wouldn't be gone this long without telling someone."

"You're right." Winston says.

I kick Charming's legs, jerking him awake. "Get up, royal. Show us where these interrogation buildings are." I demand.

He looks up at me like I'm nuts. "Are you crazy? They'll nab you too." I have too much going on to lose Lincoln. When we get Kelly and Macie back, there's no doubt they'll need further medical attention.

"What Jack means to say is: 'Charlie, would you be so kind as to show us where the interrogation buildings are?'" Fox corrects me. I make a face at him. He mocks me.

Charming stands. "I mean, I can take you there, but there's no guarantee you'll make it back out." He shrugs as he puts on his hat. For just a moment, he looks like a bounty hunter I've encountered. Bloodhound. I shake the image from my head and laugh at my wild mind. There's no way this stupid royal is the Bloodhound. "They're about a mile north of here."

"Northeast." Winston corrects. We all give him questioning looks. "Lass, you forget that I've been pillaging these cities for longer than you and your father have been alive." He says to me. I nod, pained by the sudden memory of my father. I clench my jaw. Fox puts his gentle hand on my back. I shoot him a dangerous look, but my gaze softens when my eyes meet his. I can't, in my right mind, be angry at Fox.

"C'mon. Let's go get our guy back." Fox says.

I take a deep breath. "Lead on, royal." I gesture for him to start walking.

"Yes ma'am." He tips his hat to me with a wink and starts walking. Fox takes a protective stance, walking at my right shoulder. I chuckle to myself. He doesn't like Charming being near me at all, does he? His big brother instincts take over every time Charming does anything.

We follow the stone sidewalks further into the heart of the city. I notice the gentle sounds of the ocean fading away the deeper we go. They're replaced with the sounds of laughter and local musicians. The ocean air is replaced with the smell of animals from the merchant stands and food from the bakeries and restaurants. It becomes unsettling. I have this urge to run back to the boat. A desperation to return to the familiar, but I force myself to push on. To push on into the unknown. Lincoln needs me. I'm not losing anyone else.

Charming ducks, dodges, and weaves in the sea of people. We pirates do our best to keep track of him. We come to a large set of doors.

Charming sighs. "Well, here it is. The back exit." He gestures. Two guards stand on either side. Their gaze fixates on the four of us as we approach. "Good day." Charming tips his hat.

"G'day." The guards let us through. I hold my breath until we're all through. The gates shut behind us.

"Well, there it is." Charming gestures to a small brick building.

"Let's go get our guy." I start marching towards the building.

Winston grabs me. "Hold on now, kid." He laughs. "I know you're eager, but we don't even know for sure if Lincoln is in there." I begin to object, but I realize he's right. We can't make more of a scene than necessary.

"How on earth are we supposed to figure that out?" Fox takes my side.

"Fox, you of all people know that we can't go barging in to places we don't know!" Winston objects.

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