Arc 1: Prologue

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I am NOT doing that again.
How the fuck does archer deal with this bullshit. But thankful I adapted to her bullshit and cleaning after 3 hours

Rin finally woke up and I made eggs for her, yeah nothing special. Just a 12 feet tall monster making eggs over the stove

"This.. is quite shocking.." Rin said as she was eating the breakfast I made for her

After that we went outside scouting the area in Fuyuki City, like I needed to know where to snipe people like a archer

but on a serious note, this place is actually pretty beautiful. Like no one is glued to their phones and people are actually humans!

"you know? I have a question Mahoraga.." Rin spoke through our linked minds

"You are a Berserker, But you aren't acting like one, so what's up with that?" Rin asked a reasonable question

"..Well.. I'm built different, in a lack of better words" Mahoraga used a outdated meme to answer her question, but that meme didn't exist during this time so she thought he answered her seriously

"I looked for the name Mahoraga in the Library but I found nothing, so can you talk about yourself?" Rin spoke like it's no big deal. But it's a very big deal to the boy

".....Don't worry about it, I'll tell you when I feel like it" Mahoraga felt anxious, like waiting for a reply on a risky text

"oh ok" Rin replied, letting him relax

We went the whole day just walking around some important areas and we made it to some park

"We covered the most important places. What do you think?" Rin asked her servant

With nothing to say he pointed out the obvious. "This is a large park", 10 out of 10 dialog.

With nothing to say he just copied what archer would've said her.

"Is there some reason why it's so deserted?"

"You noticed that too? It's because his place has a bit of history, It happened 10 years ago" Rin started to ramble

"blah blah blah blah blah" Is what he heard for the past 5 minutes

"I see, no wonder it's filled with so much malice" This time he actually meant it, he can feel the hatred and regrets here

"You can sense that kind of thing?" Rin asked while looking around the park

"It's because we servants, our state of being is simliar to grudges or obsession. Why do you think we need the Grail? it's so we could fix our problems and regrets....... Regrets huh... But that leaves us senstive to regrets in the same vein so this place is some what special, From our view it's almost like what we would call a Reality Marble.." Mahoraga yaps

"Hm?" Rin looks surprised at the last part you said

"What is it?"

"Oh you caught me off guard, I was amazed a berserker like you would know things like Reality Marbles."

"What? You find it weird that I know such things?"

"Well, yeah.. Among mages, a Reality Marble is a taboo among taboos. and is really secret so you wouldn't expect an berserker to know about them "

"Rin.. Don't compare the Heroic Spirits to a mere mage. don't take that simple way of looking in battles of servants and masters"

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