Arc 2: For Fun

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"Stand Proud Castor, you're strong" I said while smiling

Castor, who was struggling to get up asked him "Wait.. you said you had a proposal right!?! I'll agree to it! I only ask for our survival please!" 

 Watching Castor act like this, Mahoraga wanted to break her even more. But that will have to wait until way later

Unlike Gege, I'm not that cruel, so I'm going to let you know how I got Castor to beg for her lovely dovely life.

Castor fired a couple of lighting blasts and I casually dodged while accelerating my way to her, I got up and personal and swung a hammer punch at her. Breaking her spine while crushing the ground under her.

Yeah, that's it..... I should troll people while I fight next time because that was boring. I can't believe I'm saying that but it's the truth.

unless it's Hercules, I gotta lock in while fighting him. This is probably how he feels being able to kill everyone but doesn't.

Where was I? Oh yeah.. Castor.

"You'll finally accept? let's talk about some conditions first because you tried killing me." I pushed Castor down to her knees while squatting down 

"w-w-what are they" she was absolutely frightened! I can't help but laugh so I told her to bring out her master

"Me- Castor!" Her Master came out scared. Running towards Castor but stopping once he's close to me. I then found out that he was basically wearing a dress suit, even Shirou had more taste than this fucking loser

"You human," I uttered, my voice laced with an icy calmness that sent shivers down his spine. I paused deliberately, relishing the tension that hung heavy in the air like a suffocating fog.

"I want you to count every 10 seconds," I instructed him, my tone deceptively mild, masking the underlying threat that lingered beneath the surface.

"What... Do you mean?" His voice faltered, betraying the tremor of uncertainty that gripped his senses.

"Every 10 seconds from here on out," I reiterated, my words dripping with subtle menace, "I want you to count. And if you don't, you'll die." The threat hung in the air like a guillotine poised to strike, a silent promise of imminent consequences.

"I- What do you mean!?!?" Panic tinged his words, his mind struggling to grasp the severity of the situation. But I was not one to be trifled with.

Without hesitation, I seized Castor's arm, a calculated display of dominance that sent a wave of agony coursing through her veins. Her screams echoed off the walls, a symphony of pain that served as a grim reminder of the power I held over them.

"STOP!" His cry pierced the air, a desperate plea born of fear and desperation. But I remained resolute, my grip unyielding as I twisted her arm with deliberate precision, each motion eliciting a sickening chorus of popping joints.

"Go," I said to him, my voice a cold whisper that cut through the silence like a blade forged in darkness. And with that simple word, he understood the depths of his folly.

"1," he began to count, his voice trembling with a mixture of fear and resignation. But it was not enough.

As the seconds ticked by, I mentally counted each agonizing moment, a silent observer to the passage of time. "2 Mississippi, 3 Mississippi, 4 Mississippi..." The rhythm of my thoughts matched the cadence of his voice, a grim reminder of the consequences that awaited failure.

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