Chill out bro

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"Berserker," Rin's voice was once again angry at him for the hundredth time. Her eyes glared with a fiery intensity that matched the crimson mark on her hand.

"Look, I swear I got a good reason," Mahoraga stammered, sweat trickling down his forehead. The realization that Rin hadn't used a single command spell yet gnawed at him, knowing she could waste one on something trivial just to spite him.

"Mhm... I'm sure you do," she replied, her eyes drifting to the command mark as she tapped her finger thoughtfully against her lips.

"Berserker... hmm, what could be a good command? Well, since you are actively trying to kill Shirou—" Rin's casual revelation hit him like a thunderbolt.

"Wait, how did you know?!?" Mahoraga blurted out, his genuine shock evident.

"He told me," Rin said, a wicked smile curling her lips as she looked down at him.

"That bitch," Mahoraga mouthed silently, hoping she wouldn't catch it.

"Berserker..." Rin's eyes narrowed, and he could tell she had noticed. "I command you, don't try to hurt or kill Shirou," she said with an authoritative voice that brooked no argument. The command spell flared, a red light beaming from her hand and enveloping him, the sensation invasive and violating.

"There! Now I'm sure you didn't have a problem with that, right, Berserker?" Her tone switched to an upbeat chirp, as if she had just done him a favor.

Mahoraga's fists clenched in silent fury. He was fucking pissed.

"Right, Berserker...?" Rin repeated, her voice dripping with mock sweetness.

"...Yeah," he forced out through gritted teeth, barely containing his rage.

He couldn't shake the feeling of humiliation and anger, and as Rin walked away, her smug grin lingering in his mind, he vowed silently to find a way to turn the tables. But for now, he was bound by the command, unable to lay a hand on Shirou.

But it is what it is, He has more important stuff on his plate, maybe. 

It was the next day and Saber and Shirou both seemed awkward to each other as I was on the other side of the door, I was dead inside knowing this pimp had more fucking rizz than me, Obama will be disappointed in me

"H-Hey Saber... Do you want to eat breakfast?" Shirou asked Saber, his voice dripping with an irritating, exaggerated enthusiasm that got on Mahoraga's nerves.

Saber turned her gaze towards him, her expression a mix of confusion "Sure... Why not," she replied

Suddenly, I burst into the scene, my presence as unexpected as a thunderclap on a clear day. "I want a cheeseburger!" I demanded loudly, my voice cutting through the awkward atmosphere like a knife.

Shirou's eyes widened in surprise and confusion. "I-what?" he stammered, taken aback by my abrupt appearance and unusual request. "It's breakfast time, not lunch!"

Ignoring his bewilderment, I crossed my arms. "I don't care! I want a cheeseburger and I want it now!"

Saber, still processing the bizarre turn of events, raised an eyebrow and glanced at Shirou. "Do we even have the ingredients for a cheeseburger?" she asked, her voice tinged with curiosity and amusement.

Shirou sighed, rubbing his temples as if trying to ward off a headache. "I don't think so... but let me check." He turned towards the kitchen, muttering under his breath about the absurdity of it all.

Shirou finally emerged from the kitchen, holding a packet of ground beef and some cheese slices. "Well, it looks like we can make it happen," he conceded, a reluctant smile tugging at his lips.

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