First Round

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"wow it's cold! What is this? you got a hole in your window!" Rin was amused 

"That's hardly my fault. I got attacked by that Lancer guy." Shirou Responded

"Wait.. You fought him on your own? And survived because you summoned Saber just in time huh" Rin said before fixing the window to it's original state Leaving Shirou flabbergasted

"I'm sure you could've taken care of this, Emiya-kun"

"wow.. I can't do what you just did." The harem protag spoke like a wimp

"huh? This is like the most basic of basics no matter what school you belong to!" Rin basically called him a moron

"I've only learned what my dad has taught me, so I don't know what are basics rudiments."

"Huhh? Do you mean you don't even know to use the five major elements or how to create a path" Rin is looking at him with pity now


"So you're a complete novice." Rin Sighed

"I just know how to strengthen things"

"that sure is an odd sorcery to know. but I take it you can't do anything else?"

"Yeah, Pretty much"

"How come someone like you be able to summon saber?"  Rubbed her forehead like she had a headache

Saber was standing behind Shirou, Just listening to all this. She wasn't hiding or anything she's just standing there. Menacingly 

"You have no clue how fucked up your situation you're in, right?

"Situation?" I think Shirou is slow

But I was standing above as a guard of sorts. In spirit form of course, my weight would crush his house. 

is Saber going to sit with Shirou as Rin is going to explain? Wait. They aren't going inside to explain the rules, I've never watched the fate route but I've pretty sure this is leading towards the that route because this is different from the ufotable version.

"berserker, we're going to the church for Shirou. Chop chop" Rin talked to me from our link

"Alright" I Jumped off and went ahead to the church. Preparing myself for a fight against the other berserker

 while waiting he started shadowboxing the air until he heard the wimpy voice of Shirou Emiya

"where are we?" Shirou asked Rin

The three figures look at the church. Unlike a normal church, this one was dark, you got the bad feels when you enter here

"Kotomine Church" Rin answer Shirou

Saber then spoke out behind him, "Shirou, I shall remain here.. I Came here to protect you, If the destination is this church, then you will not be travelling too far away"

So with that, they both entered the Church for important plot points so this is the best time to chit-chat with Saber! So I materialized behind Saber. Then I realized I have nothing to say so I stood there awkwardly.

But thankfully there was someone coming, and I'm pretty sure us both felt that.

"Saber, Prepare" I finally struck up some words

But all Saber did was nod her head so no real conversation happened. I mean we are servants and we mean business, we exist to fight and die for the grail.. Also for mana transfer 

Which also adds to my list on why I wanna go back to a human.

Rin and Shirou came out of the Church, I noticed Shirou having a more motived face about this war. 

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