Experiments and Entertainments

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I wonder how and what to do while I wait. It's just me waiting for my fight battle essentially and having to wait ages for the next one. You know? I had an experience similar to this, It's Call of Duty Warzone. I have to wait 5 minutes just to die in the first minute, but instead, I'm winning because of Marhoraga's skills. But on the other hand, I could start preparing for my next fight. That should be Caster or Rider, maybe Assassin.

Man.. I just want the Adaptability to be like working all the time but life isn't simple. Everytime I adapted, Rin had to use mana corresponding to how much I was adapting and it might not be fully adapted to my problem because Rin doesn't want to waste too much mana.  Rin informed me about this after that battle with Berserker. 

'Wait could I turn to a human?' I had an intrusive thought 

That thought hit me like a truck about to isekai someone so bland and average that it could kill me. So I went outside to find humans, Luckily there was a local market, and stood there. I didn't materialize of course but it still should work, then I pretended I was a human and talked to a girl who couldn't hear me

Then I waited and acted.. for like half an hour, I thought of leaving but my wheel started turning. 

My hands shrunk making me look like a T-Rex.

"Berserker what are you doing that made me lose half my mana supply?!?!" Rin then suddenly yelled at me through our linked mind

"Don't worry about it" I answered 

"Don't worry about it?!? WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU DOING" Rin continued to nag Raga

I sighed "Don't worry I'll stop it" I reassured Rin which made her quiet

the shrunken hands then grew back to their normal size, Knowing this information I went back to the Mansion in defeat. When I adapted 4 times yesterday, Rin didn't seem to have a problem and looked like she could handle it but the moment when I tried turning into a human it took half of Rin's supply just so my hands would shrink.

The Grail most likely did this probably so it'll be more "Fair" because having a human form seems to be an earthshattering thing for some reason and not Berserker's Godhand

Back In the Mansion, I was thinking like never before. I had limits but that's not going to stop me from killing Berserker. A way to bypass his Godhand if you will

I thought of different ways but they had a low chance of actually happening but the ones that are a bit realistic required me to get the weapon 'Rule Breaker' from Caster which was already pretty hard to get and I could get Shirou to make it for me.

because this is going the Fate route where the First and only time Shirou materialized a weapon was Caliburn in the fight against Berserker and I would be dead then... Unless

"But that wouldn't work," I said to myself, 

Rule breaker only dispel magecraft so it wouldn't work.

If he survives and lets Berserker think he is dead then he will go chase Shirou where he will kill him. If he wanted to fight him he needed a weapon that would kill him 12 times instantly but he was getting tired of thinking of things that would not even work.

"ah.. Wait, Isn't this the part where Rin tries to kill Shirou now?" Mahoraga realized this was a thing in Fate

So he got into the kitchen and started to make some tea. Why? Rin will be bringing in a guest, And his name is Shirou. They need some tea obviously, This should be where they find out Shirou's uncanny ability to heal fast right? I know he should because of that Scabbard 

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