9 - Penitence

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Over the next few weeks, our lives changed dramatically. 

While Zubin was getting to know his daughter, Chanzel, I started dating Eric--or, as I call him, Cubby.

We were also thrown for another loop. Elder Dairno decided that Genesa had paid her penitence and asked Zubin to be the one in charge of introducing her back into society. He is like their version of a probation officer.

Genesa is staying in the government housing while training to be a guard. Her medical records, which were somewhat redacted, showed she could never have children and that she was almost two hundred years old. While I know I'm not a good judge of Kymari ages, I thought it odd because she looks younger.

Genesa is doing well, and her trainers are beyond happy with her progress. She has skills they have only seen with seasoned warriors, and she seems to remember everything she hears or reads. I believe they have big plans for her. She comes to dinner several times a week, and Zubin questions her not only about what she does and wishes to do with her life but also about her past.

Cubby has also been spending time with Zubin at the park, sitting on his lap and shoulder. It wasn't easy initially, but the treats are well worth it. Even though our thought processes may still be human, our dragonet bodies will overcome us when our instincts want something. This is especially true when it comes to food.

Sunburst berries are the dragonets' favorite fruit, and we will go to great lengths to get them. The bonded ones also get a treat called Shia Fruit, which our handlers ship in from another planet. The Shia fruit is the best there is, but only bonded dragonets get it. It is their first treat when they choose a handler, almost like their ceremonial moment.

The Kymari Elders passed a few laws when the first dragonet was taken from the park. She was injured so severely that she would have died without their care. We are protected and can not be removed from the wild flock unless permitted by an Elder. Any dragonet that stays in captivity will choose its handler if we are injured. These laws were put into place because even though the Kymari population does not know we are sentient, an Elder does know, and he refused to put the flock into slavery.

Today, Genesa and Chanzel are meeting us at the park for a picnic in the flower field. A few of the other dragonet handlers will also be there, as it turned into an impromptu get-together once the dragonets told each other they would be there. I believe most of the bonded ones will be showing up, while the wild flock will hang around the outskirts of the field. We have had this happen in the past, and it's a lot of fun.

"What do you want to bring to eat?" Zubin asks me as he is packing bags in the kitchen.

"If you don't mind, I would love to give Cubby some fruit from old Earth that doesn't grow in the park. How about cantaloupe, raspberries, and strawberries? Maybe also bring some Sunburst berries?"

Zubin smirked at me as he reached into the preservers that they use. I guess it's like a refrigerator, as the fruit is cold and fresh when he gives it to me.

"Jenna, I have a big question for you." Zubin stopped what he was doing and focused solely on me.

I just tilted my head and waited, but I knew what he would ask.

"How would you feel about me courting Genesa? I've gotten close to her over the lunar cycle. It would also mean she would eventually be told about your secret. Well, yours and Cubby's, as I'm guessing he will join us sometime in the next few months." His face gave a slight smirk but quickly returned to the serious nature of the conversation.

"Zubin, I like Genesa and will welcome her with open arms. I want her to realize that I am a bonded animal and will always go to you when I need you. If she is okay with that, I am too." My voice and emotions of my love and friendship to him flowed through my voice.

Having a bonded animal is a pro and con within the Kymari culture regarding marriage. While the bond shows the handler is capable of deep love and is respected enough by the Elders to have an animal, it is also a con that the animal will always come first--even before family. Some females will love the idea, and others want always to be first and see it as a fault.

"It will not happen overnight, but I plan to date her. Since she has no family left, it will be up to her to choose me. I will let her know my intentions today at the picnic. I know the guards she is working with may also try to pursue her, so I need to get her a bracelet soon."

"Want to hit the market before going to the picnic? I can help you pick one out."

"I would love that."


Prompt 9:

A parole officer falls in love with his parolee.

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