10 - Truth

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I watched from a tree limb with Cubby as Zubin walked a short distance from the others with Genesa. It's hard to tell what is going on by Kymari body language, but after so many years with Zubin, I could understand what was happening.

Genesa gave a slight smile at his words but then stiffened. She looked toward the others in the field before turning back to Zubin. She motioned for them to move further away before sitting him down on the grass. Her back was to me, but I could see him listening closely before his eyes flashed surprise and changed back to neutral.

Whatever she said shocked him. She got up shortly after and walked away. I glanced back to Zubin and sent a quick thought.

"Do you want me to follow her?"

Zubin looked up and shook his head yes. He didn't know exactly where I was at that moment, but he knew I could see him based on my question.

Genesa went to the main entrance to the park, a good half mile away, and sat on a bench. After a few minutes, she touched her wrist.

"Zubin, Genesa walked to the park entrance and sat on a bench for a few minutes. I saw her use her com, and I see a shuttle approaching. Since you can't answer me, I will return to you."

Before I could move, I saw Zubin running toward us.

"Genesa, wait, please." His voice was heavy from the sprint, but the politely issued request flowed through as an order. The female stayed where she was, now standing next to the bench.

"Zubin, I release you from any intentions you had. I'm sorry this happened, but I could not have entered into a relationship without stating the truth. I do not have permission from Elder Dairno to tell anyone but you." Genesa looked sad but determined.

"Please sit. I will send the shuttle away as we need to talk more."

As he went over to the shuttle, I called out to him.

"Do you want me to stay or leave?"

"Jenna, come here." I flew over to his shoulder and nudged his cheek. Once the shuttle was gone, he walked back over to the bench, motioning for her to sit down.

"Zubin, I am sorry I allowed it to get this far."

"Genesa, do you have feelings for me? Is that something you are capable of?" He asked. His tone was polite as if he was trying his best not to offend her. However, I thought the question rude.

"Yes to both. While I would be happy to have a relationship with you, I can not put you in that position. It would be dishonorable of me to do that." Her face was passive, but her eyes were sad. I felt awful for her at the moment.

"While I do not have an issue with this, is it still a problem for you?"

Genesa seemed taken aback by his question and stared at him for a moment.

"You are saying you have no issue with the fact that I was not born but created? Zubin, my family loved me as their child, but I'm still a droid, no matter how you look at it."

I stood stock still and stared. She's a droid?! No wonder she smells of iron ore! It must be her bones!

"Why is Jenna staring at me in shock?" Genesa asked as she observed me.

Zubin looked at me but said nothing. I put my head down and thought briefly before looking back at him.

"Zubin, I'm not quite comforta---"

"Look out!!"

We all turned at the shout from Cubby, but Genesa moved the fastest. In the blink of an eye, she grabbed Zubin and threw him to the side, landing on top of him.

I took to the air immediately and joined Cubby, who was spitting fireballs at the scaleen that had appeared. This wolf-sized creature covered in flexible, fireproof scales is hard to kill. It must be truly hungry to come toward the park's entrance, where the Kymari are. These things move like cats, climb trees, and have the dexterity of a squirrel.

The slit-pupiled, greenish eyes looked briefly at us dragonets before turning to Zubin and Genesa. I took the moment of its lack of care toward us to dive at its face with a full fire stream with Cubby right behind me.

"Help!!!! A scaleen is attacking at the park entrance!!!" I made sure to send a mental picture with my words.

"We are coming!" The voice was Drake from the wild flock, but I felt immediate agreement from several others, including the bonded dragonets.

I went for the creature's eyes, hoping to blind it and slow it down until the others arrived, knowing their handlers would be right behind them.

"Go to your left; I'll go right. Let's try to move it away from Genesa and Zubin!" Cubby shouted as we shot fire toward its feet, hoping to back it up.

Just as the dragonets and Kymari came around the pathway into the open, I saw the scaleen's body fly backward and land harshly on the ground, two daggers sticking out from its chest. One of the handlers came around with a spring-loaded spear and cut its head off, thus making sure it was dead.

"Are you alright?!" I flew right into Zubin's arms, and he caught me and held me to his chest. I continued to chirp and rub against him as he petted me and whispered calming phrases.

"It's okay, Jenna. We are okay, little one."

"I was not aware there were scaleens still in the park. I thought we removed them years ago," Tran said as he checked on his friend.

"Some have snuck in. I'm surprised the wild flock had not warned us." Zubin said.

"Dirk said they didn't know. They must have stayed hidden until now. I wonder what made him come out of hiding." Tran glanced to the side and realized that Genesa was standing there and had heard the conversation.

"She knows, Tran. Cubby screamed out a warning."

Tran turned to Genesa with a stern look. "You can never tell anyone, Genesa. This is a closely guarded secret."

"I have a few secrets of my own. Do not worry." She said seriously.

Everything stopped for a moment when Cubby back-winged onto her shoulder.

"Are you okay, Genesa?"

"I am good, Cubby. Thank you for the warning."

"You're welcome."


Prompt 10:

Your wife is a droid.

(1051/10709 words)

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