5 - The Text

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A couple of weeks have passed, and the origin of the footprints remains a perplexing enigma. Genesa's medical issues, initially a cause for concern, were eventually resolved. She is now in the company of an Elder, meticulously reviewing the vast array of information she has amassed over several decades. 

Zubin and I spent today checking incoming spaceships for animal stowaways. There is a specific breed that we are searching for, called a Sicora. This animal is deadly to Kymari and most other alien races. It is also feral and will go after anything that moves. Until the dragonets, or fire lizards (as the Kymari calls us), came along, nothing could sense or kill these wild beasts. For some reason, we can smell them, and our bite will send them into seizures before killing them. 

When the Votaks first took over Earth, these animals snuck onboard ships and got off on this planet. Between them and the other animals the Votaks released on this planet, they killed off over half of our native animal population. Those first few years were horrible for us before we came to live in the Kymari central park in this city. The other animals were killing us off, not afraid of our flame.

We had gone to the park after work, Zubin to relax and me to hang out with my friends for a while. We do this a few times a week when the weather permits. It was now time to have some supper and settle in for the night. Just as Zubin finished scrubbing my scales and oiling my skin, his wrist com made a noise, signaling an incoming communication.

When he looked at it, his face showed puzzlement.

"What is it?" I asked.

"The message reads, 'Meet me outside. Now.' But there is no code for a sender." He said slowly.

"Should we go check?" I was concerned for safety as our guards weren't with us.

I watched Zubin walk to the front window and hit the button to remove the covering.

"It's Elder Dairno." His voice showed his shock, but his face remained passive.

Zubin and I just looked at each other. The Elder rarely visits, even though we speak in written form weekly. It has been several years since I've seen him.

Zubin opened the door and stepped out, bowing to the Elder.

"Elder Dairno. Welcome to my home. Would you like to come in?"

"I would like to talk to you, Zubin. How about we sit outside in your yard?" Even though this was phrased as a question, I could hear the order within the words. 

Zubin waved to me, and I flew to his shoulder. We walked to the side gate, entering the extensive garden that is my little paradise. I have the equivalent of a doggy door that leads to it from the kitchen. Zubin waved the Elder to a chair before taking his own.

"How may I help you?" my handler asked politely. He was eager to help the Elder in any way, just as all Kymari are. The Elders are treated with the utmost respect within this race, and I have always admired that.

"This will seem like an odd request, Zubin. I would like you to tell me about your life from when you left your childhood home until now." Dairno was very focused on Zubin, barely giving me a glance after an initial nod of recognition.

My friend and handler looked blankly at the Elder for a moment before speaking.

"As with all Kymari males born into fighter families, I started as a city guard. As my training progressed, and I became stronger and showed intelligence in strategy, I was promoted and retrained. About 20 solar cycles ago, I had some personal issues involving my family, which tore my heart apart. My superiors believed it best that I return to guard duty until I fully healed. I found Jenna within the first few lunar cycles and we have been together since."

I knew all of this as I had been with him as he healed from the loss. Most Kymari only love once in their lifetime, if given the chance at all.

There is only one female born to every three males. Marrying and having a family is a dream that only one-third achieve. To get that chance, only to have it taken from you, is beyond devastating.

"Can you tell me what happened to your family?" The Elder asked softly. "I need to hear it from you."

My surprise at this request seemed to be mirrored within Zubin.

I readied myself to help in any way I could, lowering myself and scooting over to lean on his neck, thrumming gently--like the purring of a cat.

"I am here for you," I whispered into his mind.

Zubin took a moment to scratch my ear tuffs before speaking.

"I was on a mission in another galaxy and my wife and newborn daughter were visiting her parents. I had dropped them off before leaving. There was a shuttle crash that killed all aboard, including my wife, her parents, and my daughter. They never found my daughter's body but it was assumed she died as all of the bodies were burnt beyond recognition."

I took a moment to thrum louder and wrap myself around his neck. The Elder watched me for a full minute before returning his gaze to Zubin.

"Based on the dates on file and the information we have gotten from Genesa, we believe the crash was staged by a broker. There were six children aboard the shuttle and only one was recovered. We believe the other five were sold at auction."

We were both stunned momentary by this new information. But, it didn't last long.

Zubin slowly stood, his entire body tense, as the anger appeared in his words and face.

"Where is my daughter now?" Even though his tone was terrifying, the Elder did not even blink.

"I have used my power to pull a team from our home world that specializes in finding missing children." The Elder stood and faced Zubin with his head up and eyes determined. "We will find her."


Prompt 5:

You get a text message from an unknown number saying, "Meet me outside. Now."

(1018/5320 words)

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