Chapter 4- The Gray Man

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"He's the only known ghost that is unfriendly at the hotel" - The voice of the woman that gave them the tour a couple hours ago, Audrey, said- " I have seen him a couple of times, mostly at the vault "

"And at the Mezzanine?"-Sam asked, passing through the lobby, seeing the vault warily- "Or the Maximillian Room?"

" I mean, that room is a portal "- She giggled- " I wouldn't be surprised to find him there occasionally "

"Has it ever attacked someone?"- Sam asked, going straight to the point- "He's unfriendly because it has, hasn't he?"

" Attacked?"

"Something like possession?"- He asked urgently- "Or like, scratches on the back?"

"Oh! I see" - Audrey said- "Well, he's not that unfriendly, he commonly yells at people to scare them, or rattles the vault lockers to scare us when we go inside it"


" Yeah, he's just kind of like our poltergeist"

"A poltergeist?"- Sam started to feel discouraged- "Are you sure?"

"Yeah!"- Audrey said excitedly- "He's quite an interesting fellow! "

Sam's mind went back to when Matt was harshly pulled from Nick's arms back to the Maximillian's Room, his terrified yells and how his brothers were panicked to have him back but an unknown force prevented them from even moving close to him.

"Don't you dare! Stay away!"

"Yeah..."-Sam said, swallowing a lump in his throat- "Interesting"

"I gotta go" - She said excitedly- " I can't wait to see what you guys find!"

"Sure, thanks for the info Audrey"- He muttered and hung up.

Sam sighed, noticing how his hand held a broken camera, the same one he was using with Chris before Matt's attack.

"What the fuck is going on...?"

His phone started to vibrate and saw the call from Colby, answering it rapidly:


" Matt!"- The distant voice of his friend being heard on the other end.


"Matt woke up, come quick!"

Sam started to run toward the elevator, pressing the buttons to the upper floors.

"Where are you?"

" Fifth floor, he says that the entity has Nick and Chris"


Matt dashed -as best as his back allowed him to move- toward the hallways, remembering vaguely the dream.

Left, then right, then again right...

When he reached the hallway, he saw everything exactly as he had seen in his dream, minus the entity in the middle.

Yet the two doors were open.

"Nick! Chris!"- Matt yelled desperately.

He went to the one of the left, seeing a passed out Chris in the middle of the room, his face incredibly pale and unconscious.

"Chris!"- He urged as he held the boy in his arms- "Chris wake up!"

He heard the younger mutter something, after a few moments finally understanding vaguely: he was calling for him and Nick, seeing teary cerulean eyes opening and gazing at him.

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