Chapter 2- The Maximillian Room

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"Matt!"- Nick yelled, climbing the stairs to the Mezzanine floor, the others joining him and watching how the older triplet glanced around hysterically- "Matt! Where are you?!"

"Nick! The Maximilian's room"- Colby dashed toward the doors that were firmly shut, the lights flickering like crazy and a loud banging was heard on the roof, and as it grew in intensity, the screams from Matt -that came from inside the room- did too.

Colby's static box pointed directly at the room, which indicated that something or someone was inside there with Matt.

"Chris!"- Matt's voice was heard- "Nick! please help !"

The older triplet began banging the door, not caring at all about the consequences that might come if he broke it down, hearing the terrified tone in Matt's voice all red alerts inside him turned on.

After he and Colby managed to force open the doors, a distressed Matt stumbled in Nick's arms, the latter holding him firmly as the other trembled and sobbed.

"What happened?"-Chris asked scared- "What is going on?"

"My back..."- Matt mumbled- "It hurts-!"

As Nick lifted his shirt, they all saw horrible scratches in the tender skin, not profound but not ones to be taken lightly either.

"Oh god..."- Sam whispered

"We need to take him back, now"- Colby started to urge- "Before he-"

But just before he could finish, Matt was being pulled back inside the room by a foreign force, snatched from Nick's arms.

"Matt!"- Chris ran inside the room, seeing his brother trying to stand up, he immediately offered him support by pulling him up.

"Chris, run!"- Matt muttered in urgency, his eyes pleading for the younger to just go, but the latter wouldn't even budge:

"What?"- He stared in disbelief, then noticing how he was looking behind him

"Don't you dare!"- Matt yelled terrified- "Stay away!"

Chris was about to turn and ask, but he didn't need to because he wasn't even given the chance to;

He felt a strong grasp on the back of his shirt and was thrown back, his back hitting the wall, seeing dizzy due to the impact.

"Chris!"- Nick yelled, entering the room next to the ghost hunters and checking on the younger.

"Don't touch them, stop!"- They heard Matt yell terrified.

"Who is he-?"- Colby started to ask but he was suddenly punched, seeing how Sam and Nick were being also thrown away, all to the same direction this time: the exit.

Whoever was inside with them, they wanted the boys out of there.

Nick was holding himself firmly on one of the columns, his eyes fixated on Matt who was trying so hard to stand up, but it just seemed that he was drunk or without any energy left on himself.

Chris- who managed to reach the exit as best as his dizziness allowed him to- was helping Sam back at the entrance on getting out the sage and holy water from his bag.

"Quick!"- He muttered, and once the blonde boy got one of the bottles, he said to the younger triplet:

"Go, Chris! Give it to Colby!"

The ghost hunter had followed Nick's idea on finding support using the columns, managing to get hold on the one that was closer to where Matt was; so close that their fingers were almost touching, grazing slightly, until Matt's arm gave in.

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