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''It's beautiful, isn't it?''

I whirl around, instantly recognizing the deep, familiar voice. Jungkook stands tall, his broad shoulders now blocking the breathtaking view of the castle.

I swallow hard, looking away. ''Yeah, it's pretty.'' Like you.

His lips twist into a proud, masculine smirk, as though he heard my unspoken words. I roll my eyes discreetly, wiping my clammy palms on my jeans. The castle's towers, battlements, thick walls, and drawbridge are overrun with creeping vines and remnants of old crops. It looks ancient, a fortress weathered by time, with bricks that have likely stood for over a hundred years.

It's stunning—no, it's gorgeous. Yet something about it feels unsettling, as if it's a place where unspeakable horrors unfold or where gangsters settle scores in blood.

Could it be... Jungkook's? No way.

''It was inherited to me,'' Jungkook suddenly says, breaking my train of thought. My eyes widen in disbelief. This architectural masterpiece belongs to him?

''Cool,'' I reply, smirking. ''Who knew you owned anything other than guns and that elephant-sized ego?''

Jungkook turns to me slowly, his expression dead serious. ''Roseanne, I own much more than that.'' I raise an eyebrow, waiting. ''If you knew what I have, you'd be begging me to put a ring on your finger.''

My mocking smile drops. ''You fucking wish.''

His grin spreads, savage and sharp. ''Sure.'' With that, he turns and walks toward the looming castle.

Suddenly, Jimin appears beside me, his expression filled with awe. ''He can be a little provoking, huh?''

I scoff, side-eyeing Jimin. ''A little? It's practically his default setting.'' Jungkook's provoking personality is what makes me want to kiss him—then immediately make him eat his words.


Jimin, ever the gentleman, leads me into the castle. The inside is even more beautiful than the exterior. It's like stepping into a fairytale. As a city girl, I'm captivated. I could live here forever, amidst the whistling birds and the soft wind sneaking through the windows like a whispering ghost.

Maybe I do want that certain gangster to put a ring on my finger—not for him, but for the castle.

''It's so pretty,'' I sigh, my eyes catching on a statue in the center of the grand hall. A golden nude woman with silver wings stands tall, her wings so detailed they look like real feathers. Okay, scratch that—I want the castle and the statue.

''Do you want me to make another one?'' Jungkook's voice is suddenly in my ear, his lips brushing so close to my skin that I can feel their movement.

''You... you made this?'' I stammer, biting my lower lip.

''Yeah.'' His tone is so casual that it takes a moment for the words to register. When I look at him again, he's grinning with that smug pride of his. ''I can paint, too.''

''You can?'' I avert my gaze, my pulse quickening. Why does this make him even more attractive?

''If you want, I can make time this afternoon.''

I scoff. ''For what?'' I turn to face him, arms crossed. ''Get naked, sit on a couch, and let you draw me?''

I mean it as a joke, but Jungkook nods slowly, completely serious. ''Yeah.''

That one word has never felt more intimidating. I almost consider it, but before I can respond, a loud sound echoes through the castle, bouncing off the stone walls.

A Kiss For A KissWhere stories live. Discover now