Chapter4 - part 2

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💖A/N. So sorry I haven't updated I just haven't had the time. Right now I am on holidays and I can't get to sleep so I figured may as well do something at least half useful.
Anyway this is the second part to chapter 4 and I hope you like it!💖

As we; I mean the person who will not be named walking happily and I trailing behind, started moving away from Ms Matthews office and down the hall, Kian started making strange noises. Honestly he sounds like a dying cow. Like I don't know what sort of drugs he's on but this has to stop.

"Shut up you cow," I said with a smirk, "you're going to make people think that you're on some sort of drug."

He pretended to be hurt but obviously he wasn't as he continued to make loud exaggerated animal noises until an annoyed teacher had 'words' to him about how he was disrupting classes. After that the long walk to where ever we're going was silent.

I know what you're all thinking. Why don't you like Kian? And why don't you just leave him alone?
Oh, well let me tell you why.

You know that thing called prom? Well yeah, Kian and I had everything planed out. I had a beautiful turquoise dress that I adored and He had an adorable black tux with a bow tie that matched my dress. We drove in a white limousine and we got voted prom King and Queen. Everything was perfect. Well I though that anyway until I found him cheating on me with my best friend.

So yeah, Kian and I dated and he cheated on me. But you know what the worst part about it is I lost friend that I thought I could trust, that I knew since I was born.

Yeah, I am upset and angry about what happened but you know what? Life isn't perfect.

💖A/N. I need ideas! Short chapter again... sorry💖

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