Chapter 8

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"Arghhhhhhhhh, stupid alarm clock" I hear Caleb say. Which causes me to be up in an instant.

"Caleb! What the hell are you doing in my room" making sure to exaggerate the 'my'.

"Your alarm won't shut up that's why!" he says frustrated.

This only causes me to laugh as he is randomly pushing buttons on it, causing the sound to be louder. I eye him for a minute before I finally snap and take the alarm off him and turn it off.


"Well you look exclusive today Beatrice" my mum says from the kitchen as I make my way to get breakfast.

I simply just laugh. It is an inside joke between us – a guy when I was in grade 7 was trying to get me to be his girlfriend and instead of saying pretty he said exclusive and he was so embarrassed, it was kinda cute though.

At this moment Caleb makes his way down the stairs and into the garage with an onion in his hand – he is weird okay.

'3, 2, 1' I mouth to my mum.

That is when a loud shriek belonging to Caleb echo's through the house and I double over in laughter.

"Who rapped my car up in bubble rap?!"

His face just causes me to laugh harder and it is evident that my mum is trying hard not to laugh.

"YOU!" he shouts.

"What are going to do about it" I manage to say between fits of giggles – correction I am not giggling I am laughing like a pig, minus the snorts.

"I am going to get you back Bea" he says in a low voice, just loud enough for me to hear.

"I've heard that before Celery" I purposely used my childhood nickname for him because he hates it.

He just death glares me, trying to make me scared or something, but this only causes me to laugh again – my mum included.


Caleb decided to take the bus to school because he refused to be in the same car as me. Honestly it was his loss as he was late for homeroom.

The bell goes off just as I finished planning my next prank on Caleb, talk about timing.

The whole class raises from their seats and exits the science lab. Time for lunch.

"So what were you planning throughout the lesson?" A deep husky voice says from behind causing me to jump from surprise causing him to chuckle. I turn around and am met with an unfamiliar face. "Zach Forest" he says extending his hand.

"Beatrice Prior" I reply taking his hand.

"I know what your name is" he flashes me a smirk.

I don't know why I am blushing but I am. 'Beatrice get yourself together' the voice says in my head. "Was it obvious that I wasn't paying attention?"

"Just a little bit" we both laugh a little, "I've got to go now, talk to you later okay?"

I nod and he slips me a piece of paper. "Okay" then he walks off.


I put my books and away and then make my way to the cafeteria with $15.

I slip in without causing a scene gratefully and go to the lunch line with my head down so people don't talk to me cause I'm not in the mood to talk – I just want to get my food and eat it.

I finally reach the front and collect a chicken sandwich, fries, watermelon and a chocolate milk, then hand the lunch lady $15 and get change but say she can keep it.

"Ayeee Beatrice" someone calls from a table, I can't see them though.



The room goes silent.

ARE YOU JOKING?! I have someone else's food over me and they have mine.

I quickly look up at the other person.

It can't be her, it is...

"You!" we both yell out at the same time.


I'm back!

How was it?

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