Hard day at work!

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Rody's POV

I groaned as the sounds of my alarm clock start to yell into me ear. God why's it so early?? Can't I just sleep for five more minutes? I think as my heavy eyes open.

I look over to the coffee table and without a second thought I shut off the clock. There's that feeling again, it like a calm wave has hit my body once again. My eyes magically started shut on there own. There's no way I could ever be-

Then the reality came crashing down on me.


Without another second of me wasting time, I leap off the couch and rush around to get dressed. I look like a total wreck but it was at the least of my worries! Vince is gonna kill me if I'm another minute late!

I quickly rush out my apartment room and fly outside. With my bike by my side I hop right on. I started to quickly pedal my way through the city streets of France as I try to get to the "la Gueule de Sturne". Vincent's restaurant.

God fuck me, today was not my day. I arrive all sweaty and gross as I panted hard. I feel so winded by that ride, I couldn't even walk straight.

I stumbled into the bistro and groaned with pain. My legs felt like they were about to fall apart if I took another step.

"Your late."

A cold voice said in front of me. I know that cold tone anywhere, it was Vince! Despite his cold tone, he's usually nice to me. At least nice enough to feed me "left overs".

"...ughh... I know, I know.. it won't-"

"What? Happen again? Mhm, you said that last time.."

I pause for a second before chuckling nervously, scratching the back of my neck. I nodded my head and a small smile spread across my lips.

"Ah.. heh yeah.."

Vince just rolled his eyes at me and scoffed. He pointed with his eyes to get out of the doorway.

"C'mon, your lucky no costumers are here yet."

He says as he shut the door behind me. I nodded my head a little before a let out another nervous chuckle. God I could feel the guilt of being late sink in my stomach.

"Also, what happened to you? You smell and look like you just came out of the dumpster."

Vince says to me. I roll my eyes a little before I could make a respond to his comment.

"I uh.. didn't have a lot of time to get ready, heh.."

Vince just stared at me for a few seconds before sighing loudly. He then shook his head in disapproval. This was definitely not a good look for me.


He says sarcastically and rolled his eyes. He then started to make his way to the kitchen, probably because of me. Before he left though, he turned to look at me and spoke.

"Just.. do your job, okay? I can't be dealing with this today."

"I.. yes boss! You can count on me!!"

".... Sure I can."

He says under his breath and gave me another eye roll. He then went into the kitchen while I start to get ready to wait tables.

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