
154 5 18

TW: injury's!!

Vincent's POV

With a small click, the front doors of the bistro are open. I frown a little when I realized that Rody was still not here. Seriously, is it really that hard to get here on time?

I lean against the wall be the entrance as I wait for the wet dog to come in. My eyes slowly wonder around the room, from the door to the carpet, seeing how neatly kept everything was. Just how liked it.

My ears slightly twitch as I hear the cooks in the kitchen chat amongst one another, though I tune them out to hear my own thoughts instead. I hum a small soft tune to myself as wait for Rody to arrive. It was only a minute or so before I could hear a familiar bell ringing from outside.

When my eyes glanced over to the large window in the dining area,  I could finally see the brunette haired man arriving, speeding on his bike as he did. I watch my waiter slam on the breaks, the tires let out a loud skurt sound from outside. My whole body flinched as I then hear a loud crash from outside the front door of my restaurant.

Without thinking, I quickly opened the front doors of my bistro and rush outside. My heart stops for a spilt second as I see my waiter on the pavement and his bike laying right next to his body.

I pinched the bridge of my nose and shake my head at him, what an idiot. I thought. I slowly step towards him, seeing the man's face planted into the rough pavement of the sidewalk.

I kneel down to his level to help him up, though it was then I noticed how badly Rody had crashed. On the right side of his cheek to his arm revealed that he had a large road rash. I could feel my body cringe just by the sight of the man. My ears perked up as Rody groaned in pain at me.


Rody mumbled out as he opened one eye to look at me. I felt a frown tug on my lips as I nodded my head, slowly wrapping my arms around and under Rody's arm to help him up. He let out a low hiss of pain as he got pulled up from the dirty sidewalk into a sitting position.

"Oh mon Dieu, are you okay?"

Rody shakily nods his head and leans his body against mine. We both just sit in the middle of the sidewalk, letting Rody slowly process what had just happened to himself. The whole right side of his cheek and forearm was completely scratched and red. If anything were to just slightly caress his rash, it would instantly burn and sting him.

"C'mon, let's go inside and get you patched up."

Rody groaned a little but nodded his head in agreement. I slowly pushed Rody off of me to get back onto my feet. Once I was standing I would lean back down to help Rody stand up. We lock our hands as I pull Rody back to his feet.

"My bike.."

Rody mumbled at me in a whiney voice as he lazily waved his arm to the bike that was beside us. I sigh and roll my eyes, he just ate shit yet he's more concerned about the damn bike than his own self.

"I'll get it later, let's just worry about yourself first."

Rody groaned and mumbled back at me in response. But I didn't pay to much attention to his whines and bickering. I needed to fix his poor cheek and arm more than anything first. I held tightly onto his wrist as I started to drag Rody inside the restaurant with me.

Rody's POV

Vince helped me sit down in a booth and stared into my eyes for a moment or so. He tells me to stay put and to be patient, though I shake my head no at him. I heard Vince sigh then saw his eyes roll in annoyance. He then cleared his throat before speaking to me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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