Hearts flutter

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Vincent's POV

My eyes slowly flutter open, finally waking up from my little rest. I immediately noticed that I wasn't where I fell asleep earlier.

I had somehow ended up in my bed? There's a possibility of me going here before I took that nap but I highly doubt that, i have no memory of that.

So this starts to get me wondering, what if it was Rody?

But why? Why would he care enough to place me in my bed? Don't get me wrong I know Rody, I know how loyal like a dog he is. But did he really have to carry me here?

I sighed and slowly sat up right. My head slowly turns to the big window in my room, looking at how the storm was much calmer now.

I slowly started to wonder if Rody was still here. He seemed nearly sick the last time I saw him. His poor cheeks were a hot red and he was mumbling all over the place. I'm not surprised either if he decided he didn't want to stay here, there's no other reason on why he should stay here if the Strom is mostly over.

I felt my eyes sting a little now that I'm fully conscious. That's when it hits me that I didn't take my contacts out before I fell I asleep.

"Fuck me.."

I let out a low groan once I realize I have to wear my glasses instead of contacts. I wouldn't mind wearing my glasses that much, I just don't enjoy how it  looks when others see me in them. It bugs me more than I would like to admit.

Shaking my head a little, I get out of bed and immediately felt my legs stretch. A small yawn snuck it's way out of my lips as I began to walk to my bedroom door. I lazily open it and shuffle my way to the bathroom.

I stare at myself in the mirror for a moment or two before grabbing the case for my contacts. Making sure to be gentle as I take both of them out.

I placed the case down onto the counter as I go digging into a drawer to fish out my glasses. It wasn't long before I found them and immediately put them on my face. I Stare at myself in the mirror for a moment or two before sighing loudly.

"...I look like my dad."

I mumbled with a slight frown on my face. I felt bothered that I looked similar to my father. My father wasn't the hero I wished he was, and for that, I try to avoid things that remind me of him. But how can I avoid my own self?

I shake my head a little to get out of my thoughts, I don't need to think about this now. What I do need to focus on is cleaning my kitchen. I remember leaving it a mess and should probably get at least started on that.

Walking out of the bathroom I gently take steps to the kitchen. The sounds of the light rain could be heard from the inside of the apartment, making it sound a lot more soothing than usual.

Once I make it to the end of the hall and look over to my left to face my kitchen but was instead met with... Rody?

"What the hell?"

My mouth slightly hangs open as I see Rody stuffing his face with my food. Crumbs fall from his lips as he looks up at me with big eyes and a large smile on his face. He chews with his mouth open and even tried to talk with his mouth full.

"Mmphf hmphh mm!!"

"... finish chewing first, I have no clue what you just said."

Rody paused for a moment or two before chuckling with his mouth still stuffed. He then goes back to chewing so that he could actually form a sentence.

While I wait I look around my kitchen, seeing an even bigger mess than before. I didn't think Rody was the type of person to just help himself to whatever I had in the fridge, at least I don't remember telling him he could?

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