Funny feeling

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Rody's POV

"Aw fuck this! Where did this come from?"

I whine and walk over to the window, watching rain drop after rain drop. My ears twitch a little as I heard the sounds of the the thunder growling through the sky.

Vince walked up behind me, watching the rain fall as well, making a slight hum sound. He looks over at me right before clearing his throat to speak.

"It's starting to rain quite heavily... did you bring an umbrella?"

"No... I had no idea it was gonna rain like this!"

"I see.."

I sigh loudly and step back from the window. The only umbrella i actually have is Vince's and it's all the way back at my apartment, sitting right by my couch.

I took a deep breathe and I decided to sit myself on Vince's couch. A small groan escaped my lips as I ran my fingers through my curly hair. I was not ready for a day like this.

Vince looked over at me, noticing that I was on his couch. He more than likely understood the inconvenience I was in.

A small hum sung through his lips before taking a seat next to me, crossing his legs as he did. I felt him put a cold hand on my back, making me shiver a little.

"Well.. you can stay here till the rain ends. I do say it's pouring quite heavily out there and I don't want you to catch a cold."

"Hm? HA! I'm Rody Lamoree! I never catch colds!"

I chuckle and point a finger at myself. It is true though! I haven't had a cold ever since I was little.

Vince just stared at me before rolling his eyes, shaking his head a little. I felt his hand slowly leave my back and saw it was now resting in his lap.

"Well regardless, the great Rody Lamoree can still get soaked out there. Not to mention riding back, I doubt your talented enough to pass through the wet and slick streets without hurting yourself somehow."

A small nervous chuckle was heard from me, my hand scratching the back of my neck. I then sighed with a nodding head.

"Well yeah.. there's that to, heh.. "

I paused for a moment or two to think for a moment, thinking of what Vince just said. Honestly he was really quick to defend why I should stay here. Little odd.

I'm probably over thinking it! Like I always seem to do...

"It's your decision, I'm not going to force you or anything... just know that if want to stay here you can. I wouldn't mind spending a few more hours with you."

A small dusting of blush is spread across my face. This is exactly what I mean by how confusing Vince is!! He's mean but nice to me at the same time! The more I think about it the more my cheeks are heating up.

He cares for me! In the deep darkest parts in that man's heart, he cares. At least.. I think? Oh fuck me, am I over thinking this again?? What if this is just because I'm his employee!! No what if-

"Rody? Are you alright? You look a bit.. red?"

Every single thought in my mind disappeared when Vince spoke. I quickly hid my head and groaned loudly from embarrassment.

Why the fuck do I have to blush like this?? What was there for me to even blush about! God I look like a fool!

"I uh... um.. mhm!! I'm great! Just uh.. do you know where the bathroom is? I have to uh.. I have to piss."

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