The Water Park

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All of the kids head inside to dry off and get changed after being submerged in the lake. Isabella gets changed into her swimsuit and throws on her denim shorts and a white oversized cardigan.  The excitement of going to the water park with everyone fills her with energy, and she can't wait to splash around and have fun with her friends.

Leaving her hair in its natural state, Isabella knows it'll get wet at the water park, so she opts for a carefree look that's perfect for a day of adventure. With her outfit sorted, she grabs a towel and heads outside to join the rest of the group, eager to make the most of the day ahead. 

With a smile on her face, she joins the others as they make their way to the water park, ready for a day of laughter, fun, and unforgettable memories

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With a smile on her face, she joins the others as they make their way to the water park, ready for a day of laughter, fun, and unforgettable memories.


When we get to the water park, all of the moms head off seperatly wanting to have a girls day, Deanne pointing at her husband '' Ladies' day. All right? You're in charge.'' 

Isabella's attention is caught when she hears Rob '' Hey where have you guys been?'' she knows he is asking his daughters, who drove in with her dad. ''Well we didn't have swimsuits, so Marcus drove us to buy some.'' Amber said while hitting Marcus on the arm, Jasmine jumping in '' We got them at a store called, Naughty and Nice. Marcus said it was the only one that was open.'' 

Isabella just groans at her fathers actions, she leans into Ryan '' My dad is disgusting.'' Ryan chuckles softly at Isabella's comment, wrapping an arm around her shoulders in a comforting gesture. "Hey, dads are supposed to be embarrassing" he replies with a sympathetic smile. She just shakes her head muttering '' Yeah well, he takes it to a new level'' before taking off her cardigin and shorts leaving her in her bikini. 

She turns around to see Ryan staring at her in awe, she just laughs before holding her hand out to him while saying '' Come on, pretty boy

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She turns around to see Ryan staring at her in awe, she just laughs before holding her hand out to him while saying '' Come on, pretty boy. We're getting ice cream.'' 

Ryan's gaze lingers on Isabella for a moment longer, a soft smile playing on his lips as he takes in her laughter. He then nods, his eyes bright with anticipation as he reaches for her hand. "Sounds like a plan," he agrees, his voice filled with enthusiasm. "Lead the way, Bella."  Hand in hand, they head off to enjoy some ice cream. 

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