Cup Phones

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Isabella comes out of the bathroom after getting changed into her PJ's to see Ryan standing there waiting, already in a pair of sweatpants, a loose long-sleeved black top and a white gray zip-up hoodie. He smiles upon seeing her and walks towards her while asking '' Wanna go on the porch swing, to stargaze?'' 

She pouts as she says '' But it's so nice and cozy inside. And I kinda wanted to lay in bed for a while without falling alseep.'' Ryan chuckles softly at Isabella's pout, understanding her desire for coziness. 

She thinks for a minute, '' Only if you give me your hoodie'' without hesitation he says '' Deal'', already unzipping his hoodie and offering it to her. He did it so fast it was almost like he had been wanting to see her in his hoodie. She quickly put it on, it swallows her frame, but she revels in its coziness nonetheless. Ryan watches her with a soft smile, his heart swelling at the sight of her in his hoodie. "Looks good on you," he comments, his tone filled with genuine adoration.

They head outside with Ryan pulling her along, thankfully Mama has gone inside and has left the porch swing. They take a seat and look up at the stars and enjoying the quietness. They are sat beside each other with Isabella's legs thrown over his lap, and him brushing his thumb up and down on her calf. 

Isabella breaks the silence '' I can't believe you have to leave tomorrow.'' while putting her head on his shoulder. As Isabella leans her head on Ryan's shoulder, he tightens his grip on her calf, a silent gesture of reassurance. "Yeah," he responds softly, his gaze fixed on the starlit sky above. "It sucks, I've really enjoyed my time here with everyone.'' He takes a nervous breath '' I'm really glad I got to meet you though. Like really glad. I've never met anyone like you before.'' 

As Isabella lifts her head to meet Ryan's gaze, she finds herself drawn into his eyes. His words touch her deeply, and she can't help but feel a flutter of butterflies and nerves in her chest. "Thank you," she murmurs, her voice soft with emotion. "That means a lot to me." Ryan's gaze softens, his eyes showing the affection he feels for her. "I mean it," he insists, his voice gentle yet determined "You're one of a kind, Bella." 

As they continue to gaze at each other, the tension between them builds, the air thick with unspoken desire. Isabella feels her heart racing in her chest, her breath coming quicker as she leans in slightly, her eyes flickering down to his lips and back up again.

Ryan's gaze flickers to her lips as well, his own breath quickening as he leans in closer to her. And in that moment, with the stars above them and their hearts pounding, the door opens and Becky runs out while crying for Ryan '' Ry. Ryan.'' 

Ryan and Isabella jump back from each other quickly, their moment interrupted by the unexpected intrusion. Ryan's gaze shifts from Isabella to Becky, concern washing over his face as he moves to the end of the porch swing. "What's wrong, Becky?" he asks, his tone filled with concern.

Becky rushes over to Ryan, tears streaming down her face as she clings to him. Through her crying the two manage to understand her '' My tooth fell out, and I went to go tell mommy, but she wouldn't listen. So I told her again, and then she said that she will put the money under my pillow. Ry, is there no tooth fairy?'' 

Ryan's heart softens as he listens to Becky's tearful explanation. He pickes her up and sits her sideways on his lap, so she's facing Isabella. "Oh, Becky," he says gently, brushing a tear from her cheek. "There's no need to cry. The tooth fairy is real, I promise."

Becky looks up at him with watery eyes, her bottom lip trembling. "But Mommy said..." she begins, her voice wavering. Ryan cuts her off with a reassuring smile. "Sometimes mommies and daddies help the tooth fairy out a little bit," he softly explains. "But I promise you, she's real. She'll come tonight and leave something special under your pillow."

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