You were so nervous

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Ryan woke up before Isabella the next morning. He admired the girl in his arms. He marveled at the way her hair cascaded over the pillow, the gentle rise and fall of her chest as she breathed, and the calm expression on her face. In that moment, he couldn't help but feel grateful for her presence in his life.

With a tender smile, Ryan reached out to gently brush a stray strand of hair from Isabella's face, his touch light and reverent. As he watched her sleep, he silently promised himself to cherish every moment they spent together, grateful for the love and warmth she brought into his life.

He thought about how much he liked the girl, how it felt that they've known each other for years instead of just a couple of days. He'd never felt like this before. There was something special about Isabella, something that made his heart race. He found himself drawn to her in ways he couldn't fully explain, captivated by her laughter, her smile, her kindness, and the way she made him feel alive. Her laugh made him feel content, he loved being the reason behind it. Her laugh was infectious and filled him with joy. 

As Isabella began to stir, Ryan leaned in and planted a gentle kiss on her forehead, his lips lingering for a moment before he pulled back with a soft smile. "Good morning, Bella," he greeted her warmly. '' How did you sleep?'' 

She tiredly opened her eyes and smiled at him '' Goodmorning Ray. Best sleep I've had in a long time.'' Ryan smiled at her response, his heart swelling with affection. "Glad to hear it, me too" he replied softly, brushing a stray strand of hair away from her face. "You look beautiful, even when you've just woken up," he added, his gaze lingering on her with adoration. 

Isabella blushed and hid her face in his neck making him laugh. She pulls away after a minute '' You're cheesy in the morning aren't you?'' Ryan chuckled at Isabella's reaction, enjoying her playful teasing. "Maybe a little," he admitted with a grin, pulling her close again. "But only for you." He pressed a soft kiss to her cheek before resting his forehead against hers, savoring the moment of intimacy between them.

"Happy Fourth of July!" they chimed in unison, their voices blending together in harmony as they shared a smile. As the two started to hear voices from downstairs, Isabella groaned and went to get up. Ryan just pulled her back into him and started to cuddle her again, '' No, just five more minutes.'' Isabella chuckled as Ryan pulled her back into his embrace, relishing the warmth of his body against hers. "Five more minutes, huh?" she teased, snuggling closer to him. "Alright, but only because you're so convincing." They lingered in each other's arms for a few more precious moments before finally mustering the motivation to join the festivities downstairs

As she stood up she noticed Ryan's lack of movement. She grabs his hand and trys to pull him up '' Come on, pretty boy, we have to get up now.'' Ryan grinned at Isabella's playful nickname, nodding as he rose from the bed. "Alright, alright," he replied, stretching his arms above his head. "Lead the way, Bella." They both headed downstairs, ready to join the festivities of the Fourth of July celebration with their friends and family.


As it's the Fourth if July, Isabella decided she would put on her red and white off the shoulder top she had designed and made herself a while back, along with some blue denuim shorts. She had her hair curled and left it down, with a red bandana tied around it to keep it out of her face. 


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