The Lake House

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'' Holy shit.'' Isabella says as she sits in the passenger seat of her dad's car as they pull up to the lakehouse. They get out of the car with Marcus saying '' Rob's car is an Oompa Loopa too'' causing the men to laugh, except rob of course. 

As everyone walks to the lakehouse enterance, a buzzing noise is suddenly heard causing Isabella to jump back and bump into someone. She looks up and of course it's Ryan, who catches Isabella just in time to prevent her from stumbling further. He flashes her a mischievous grin and leans down to whisper, "Looks like someone's already falling for me, and we haven't even reached the lakehouse yet." she just shoves him and says '' you wish'' before paying attention again. 

She hears Lenny say '' It's getting rid of the months honey.'' causing Becky to ask '' Where's it taking them?'' in her cute innocent voice. She then hears her dad say ''hell'' which makes her gasp and hit him while saying '' Dad, you can't curse.'' Marcus just looks at her confused while saying '' You just cursed in the car?'' to which she replies '' there were no kids present in the car.'' before giving him a sarcastic smile. 

They tune back into the conversation when they hear '' Daddy no!'' from Becky before Lenny goes up and picks up the moth and throws him saying '' Oh, looks like he's still asleep.'' Greg then says '' Dad, it's dead'' his mother pinches him making him wince and mutter an ''ow'' making Ryan laugh at his brother. 

''Ooh, a porch swing! Don't hold me back, I know where I'm gonna be this weekend.'' Mama says going up the porch steps after pushing Kiethie out of the way and stepping on the month. I hear Lenny mutter '' Now he's dead'' 

I crouch down to help Kiethie up as he fell right in front of me '' Yo, dude, you good?'' The boy simply grinned at her before bringing her hand that was holding his closer to his face to kiss it, '' I'm just glad it wasn't the pretty lady that got knocked over.'' Isabella just laughs at him and says '' Oh thank you kind sir.'' 

Everyone starts to go inside, first walking into a living room and kitchen area. Kurt and Diane are arguing about how this is his dream kitchen, Donna starts playing the organ that's here before Sally tries to make her stop, the Feders are having their own family conversation. Isabella is simply admiring the decor, with Ryan admiring her.

Lenny say '' So listen guys, who's getting what room? '' making Rob say '' Actually I made a map of who gets which room. I took the liberty of reserving the room with the waterbed for Gloria and myself. '' Gloria then chimes in with '' Ooh, you're gonna do the backstroke tonight.'' 

Donna then jumps up and says '' I wanna go swimming with you guys tonight.'' Gloria replies with '' Oh, honey, we're not really going swimming. What I meant was'' but Sally cuts her off '' That's okay. She doesn't need to know what you mean. I don't even know what you mean.'' while covering Donna's ears. 

Isabella and her dad both say ''Oh, I know what she meant.'' before making fake throw up sounds. 

Rob then takes us on the tour of the lakehouse, giving out room assignments as we go, everyone is just shouting over eachother. We get to the master bedroom and Eric tries to give it to Lenny but Lenny gives it to the kids. 

All the kids, go inside the room, Isabella sitting on the bed beside Becky, Ryan standing beside the bed, Andre, Charlotte and Donna over at the vanity and Greg and Kiethie over at the Tv. Greg knocks the Tv '' Hey Dad, what's this big box on the back of the tv?'' 

''That's the rest of the Tv. They didn't always have flat screens there, sport.'' Lenny says while walking closer to the door from the hall. Kiethie then chimes in '' Wow. That is some Stone Age shiznit.'' making Lenny reply with '' Yeah, that's wack.'' in a sarcastic voice. 

Isabella, amused by Greg and Kiethie's banter, leans in towards Ryan with a grin. "Your brothers definitely know how to keep things lively, huh? It's like stepping into a sitcom with those two around."

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