The Dinner

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We all decide to go out to the dinner in town that the men used to go to when they were younger for food tonight. Isabella decides to show and chnage before heading out. She does a 'no-makeup' makeup look except with winged liner while she waits for her hair to dry. She decides to plat the front sections of her hair, leaving pieces framing her face, while leaving the rest in it's natural waves. She makes a casual choice for dinner, but not too casual as she still wants to make a good first impression. 

All of the men sit at the top of the table together with their friends with the wives scattered between the kids around the rest of the table

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All of the men sit at the top of the table together with their friends with the wives scattered between the kids around the rest of the table. Isabella is sat inbetween Charlotte and Donna and Ryan is sat in between his mother and Bean. He tried to sit closer to her but the other girls wanted to sit beside her and have a 'girls corner' of them table. He looks at her with a deapan expression, causing her to hold back a laugh and mouth over to him '' Better luck next time.'' Ryan responds to Isabella's playful remark with a smirk and a subtle roll of his eyes, indicating his playful frustration at being separated from her. Despite the situation, he mouths back, "I'll find a way," accompanied by a wink, showing that he's not giving up so easily on sitting closer to her. Isabella stifles a laugh, enjoying the playful banter between them as they navigate the dynamics of the dinner table.

'' Hey, Lenny, remember when we used to come here late night after we got wasted?'' Marcus shouts Lenny as he is walking over to his seat, Lenny tried to shush him as he didn't want the kids to hear. His efforts are however in vain as Donna asks '' What's 'wasted'?'' causing the men to look paniced, and Lenny to mumble something to Marcus before trying to come up with a kid friendly answer. '' 'Wasted' kids is something that happens ... when you have a hankering for ice cream.'' 

Andre stands up saying '' Oh I wanna get wasted'' Charlotte saying the same, Donna then says '' I wanna get wasted every single day of my life.'' Becky then chimes in saying '' I wanna get chocolate wasted.'' Isabella thinks the whole thing is ridculous but it's Becky's comment that sets her over the edge and into a fit of laughter, causing confused looks from the rest of the kids. Catching her eye, Ryan flashes her a warm smile, his laughter echoing the joy reflected in her eyes and mixing with hers at the innocent misunderstanding.

The waitress then comes over, making Eric say '' Alright everybody, let me just make this easy. Nineteen burgers and nineteen fries, okay? And that'll be just for me. What are you guys having?'' causing laughter from everyone around the table. Mama then jumps in saying '' I am not gonna have any hamburgers. I'll take some meat loaf, some calzones, but put the marinara sauce on the side. With corn, either on the cob or whatever you got. '' 

'' What are you going in the eletric chair?'' causing her to stare at Marcus, but Lenny says '' No, he was just kidding, Henry VIII.'' causing Eric to laugh. Kurt then jumps in with '' She's eating for two: her and Toe-bo cop.'' Lenny finishes the joke with '' But, Mama, they do have bunion rings if you want some.'' This causes laughter from everyone and Diane to complement Lenny. 

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