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The meeting was meant to be quick, a simple rundown of basic procedure for the higher scientists. They all gathered in one by one, wordlessly taking their seats at the long reflective table. The room was illuminated only be the large screens that hung off every wall, scrolling through necessary documents and preset presentations. It was a mediocre scene, an everyday occurrence everyone would take in stride. A simple in and out that should've been second nature to more seasoned employees of the foundation. The chairs were gradually filled, until they all sat in silence with hung expressions, bleakly waiting for the supervisor.

A Doberman was the last to enter, holding a set of papers in her teeth and scanning the room. She counted each head and, satisfied that all the notable officers and scientists were in attendance, walked to the head seat. She was hesitant to take the center spotlight, paws already sweating once all eyes were on her. Their expectant glances seemed to burn through her fur, and she put forth all her willpower to keep collected.

"Thank you all for being here." She said, shuffling the papers in front of her. "I've called you all here to discuss Archline's future plans, a way we can move forward from our recent setbacks."

An unamused scientist spoke up. "The term is damage control."

"That's not a term I prefer using," she flattened her ears at him. "Think of it more as, identifying our problems and putting a solution toward them." Placing a paw on one of the papers, she slid it underneath a machine, and the giant monitors surroundings them quickly displayed its image. "Two months ago, we had thirty-seven bioweapons fully developed and ready for testing. Today... we have zero."

"That wasn't our fault!" Stood up a cat, one of the lead genetic researchers. "Those things were perfectly capable of following orders; they were bred to be obedient to us! And the Mentiarga-"

The Doberman finished his sentence for him. "-Died like the rest, remember?" She growled. "Do we need any clearer evidence that we've been doing the wrong things?" The room went silent, an air of skepticism circulating the table. "Think about it," she continued. "Think about what we're capable of, the super organisms, the medicines and vaccines! We don't need to make bioweapons!" She hit her paw on the table's surface to punctuate her words. "Think about what would happen if we came forward with disease cures, investing in medicines and helping people in the world! Not only would we be more successful, but the general public would worship us! We'd be saviors!"

"What are you trying to do with all this?" A retriever raised an eyebrow, narrowing his eyes at her.

"I'm trying to conceptualize a new path for the Archline Foundation." She said, a faint smile peeling on her face. "I'll gather my ideas and take them higher command. They can't ignore me forever; I might even get an audience with Dutch himself."

"That's bold," the retriever said. "You really believe we're capable of this?"

"We always have been!" She pressed. "Why do we spend so much time asking if we can do something instead of just doing it? We have the research, the money, the medicines are practically lying in our storage compartments right now! Why can't we just start?"

Another dog spoke up, an Australian shepherd, and one of the few leading chemists. "Because that's not what we're being told to do."

"Exactly," the Doberman pointed. "That's what I'm hoping to change." A determined aura began glow around her, brightening as she took charge of the room. "I am going to convince the higher ups the real good in putting our skills to the truest potential. Mark my words-" She proudly stood up, rising before her peers. "When I'm done, the Archline Foundation will start anew, and place our power into the greater-"

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