Chapter 7- A Friend Dethawed

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The atmosphere dipped to freezing temperatures as Chase was carried deeper into the facility. He probably could've wiggled out at any time, but the pressing beating all over his body had left him with an agonizing soreness, enough to make movement near impossible. Escape would've been slim even if he wasn't hurt at all, as the person holding his scuff had quite the iron grip.

"Not a smart move, challenging Dutch." Ryder said, stepping off an elevator into a cold corridor. Steel doors lined the walls, each marked with a number and letter. Echoing screams emitted in all directions, complete with pounding metal and hostile yelling at every corner. Ryder paid it no mind as he walked, searching for the right door. "In case you haven't figured it out, he's different. I don't know how, or why, but he's crazy strong on levels that shouldn't be possible. He's stronger than me, Chase. If that doesn't scare you, I don't know what will."

His hostage didn't reply, his limbs dragging on the ground and collecting dust. He could hear every word being said, but the only thing he could possibly say was another pained groan.

"Look," Ryder sighed, frowning at the unmoving dog. "I get it, okay? I left you, I left you all. I fully expected all six of you to be done for, but... I guess you're stronger than you look. What do you want from me, an apology? Would that really make up for everything?" He huffed, growing agitated as he tried to find the assigned cell block. "I know there's nothing I can say to justify what I did."

He came to a door labeled "G2," pressing a button on the wall, and beeping noise came through the speaker.

"Yes?" Came someone's voice, garbled with radio static.

"Captain Ryder, badge number zero, three, two, eight, five, two, zero. Prisoner transfer!" Ryder replied, sighing as he recanted the entire number.

A click was heard, and the door unlocked. The boy grabbed its handle and grunted to open the heavy door, almost needing both hands. He stepped into a more narrow hallway that split at the end, diverting the path into dormitories. He passed by a wall of bulletproof glass, tapping on it with his finger. A dog inside looked up at him, and Ryder held up two fingers. The dog nodded and hit a few buttons, unlocking the door to the second cell block.

"Look, I know you hate me." Ryder dragged his prisoner over to the door. "But I did you a favor. There's someone in this cell block... someone you might know. It's the most I can get away with, without Dutch getting alerted." Pulling open the gate to the prisoner dorm, he tossed Chase in, the shepherd's body crumpling to the floor like an empty wrapper.

"Sorry, Chase." Came his owner's parting words. "I don't know when I'll see you again... if I will at all. But best of luck to you." Then he shut the door, his footsteps fading out into nothing.

Lying on the floor in bruised agony, Chase was oblivious to the eleven dogs staring at him. They had already turned their heads at Ryder tossing him in, and now they were approaching. Three got up from the metal tables, leaving their card game to see the new inmate. Four appeared out of the maze of bunk beds, creeping forward with their filthy, stinking fur. A couple were just standing nearby, watching Chase with intrigued expressions. Even the retriever using the shower peeked out from behind the curtain, and a doberman using the restroom in the corner, in plain view of the entire room.

"Newbie!" One shouted, announcing Chase's presence to the entire block.

"He looks like a cop." Another piped up, his voice raspy from excessive drug use.

"Damn, someone beat him up already."

"Ay bro!" A labrador leaned down to Chase's face. "You good? Who dinged you up?"

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