Chapter 19- Welcome Home

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Despite the constant terrors that followed them every step of the way, they were noticeably silent as Chase left the Nexus. All ferox warriors calmed their ferocious attitudes, vanishing into the Omnihives's deepest abyss to provide Chase the safest walk he'd ever been on. So that was the game now, Chase thought to himself, venom-filled malice seeping in his systems. No reason to attack him, it seemed, why harm the one thing they've been investing in all this time?

He had a brief conversation with Rocky, the captain suddenly connecting with him using Ryder's radio line. It had been a fiery conversation, as Chase was in no mood to hear anything from his old leader anymore. A deliberate choice was made to not tell his brother of the newer revelations, maybe sometime soon, but he couldn't bear to unload such information now.

"So what, I'm like... the alpha of this place now?" Chase growled, hopelessly walking through the cavern. All morale and motivation he once had was now completely diminished, his body flattened all of all energy as he milled about. Ironic, the one time he wanted something to tear him to pieces and end his suffering, only now all threats were swiftly called off from their hunt.

Genesis spoke directly in his mind, "no, no. Not yet at least, not until the messiah births from you. You are free to enjoy the absence of danger, however."

"Get out of my head, I'm not your fucking pet."

"But you are, little one. You had it all from the very beginning; the hivemind, the infection, all it took was crossing into my home to activate it all."

"I don't care!" Chase barked, no longer minding being quiet in the tunnels. "I'm not doing a word you say, and you can't make me!"

"Bold words. Unfortunately, you only have so long until your true self comes out, I anxiously await the hour."

Shaking in his breath, the shepherd whimpered at the sinking feeling in his chest. "How... long, exactly? How long do I have until it... comes out?"

"Alas, I do not know. You're the very first one, could be days, hours, or in the next five seconds."

Freezing in his step, Chase stopped as a fierce shiver went down his spine, the dog looking off at the wall expecting eyes to open at him. "Where's Everest?"

"Why are you asking me?" Genesis asked, sounding more curious than confused.

"You know this place. I mean, this world is you, after all. Can you at least... help me find her?"

"You actually don't need my help. Close your eyes."

"What, why?"

"Close your eyes, Chase."

He hesitated for a moment, fearing his own exposure only to remember nothing within the tunnels desired to kill him anymore. Following anything Genesis said sent a gross feeling up his throat, the thought of actually obeying that gigantic hell-beast went against everything he stood for.

"You aren't 'obeying' me, Chase," Genesis said suddenly. "You asked me for help and I'm telling you what to do."

"Wha-" the shepherd bristled into alarm. "How did you-"

"I can hear your thoughts; this shouldn't surprise you. Now close your eyes."

With nothing left to say back to the monstrous entity, Chase paused in his own anxiety. There was nothing he could hide from Mother Genesis, anything he knew, she'd know as well. She was likely reading his own hesitance just as fast as he thought it, was there really any point in trying to oppose her if he was already in this deep?

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