Chapter 4- Operation Rubicon

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The squad had little time to rest or even prepare for what was coming next. The escape from the jungle alone was performed hastily, deviating from their usual plan after the haunting ultimatum was received. Kolechi was going to London, closer with every step with every step they took, forcing them to act on double time. An ACG airship soared low above the jungle, Rocky, Chase, Strap booking for it at full speed with idle gunfire following behind them. Burton, Leo, and Paige were already picked up, the three hanging out the back hangar gesturing for them to jump on. Narrowly fleeing the heated zone, they loaded up into their armored transport and successfully fled the scene.

Burton grabbed Rocky as he climbed aboard, pulling the dazed mix in. "Are you guys alright?" He asked, speaking through quickened breaths.

Unclipping his pup pack, Chase tried to shake out the ringing in his ears. "Oh yeah, total cakewalk down there." His ears twitched in irritation; his whole body disoriented from the explosions. "We walked in, grabbed our shit, and walked out. Everyone was nice as pie."

"Where are we on our course of action?" Rocky shook his dizziness away, swaying as the airship sped into the sky.

"We called Bella as we were flying in." Leo turned to him. "There's no time to go back and restock, we either leave right for London, or Kolechi takes it."

"Splendid." Muttered the captain. "Chase, please tell me you didn't completely unload all your weapons back there."

The shepherd gave him a sheepish look. "Well... I'm not completely empty."

"I have a few magazines left, four grenades." Strap spoke up, trying to uplift the scene.

"And I used most of my things fighting in the forest." Rocky said, flattening his ears. His expression turned bleak, looking around at each member of his team. The gears turned in his head, struggling to form a result.

"Captain Rocky," Burton said, reading the mood. "We can't let Kolechi take the palace."

"We won't. We just... don't have a lot to help us do it." The mix began pacing around the airship interior, his eyes fixed to the floor. "Taking ammo from the enemy will be worthless since they use different weapons."

"And I doubt they'll let us walk in through the front door." Chase added.

"We aren't going in through the front."

All heads in the room tilted, awaiting their captain's word. Taking a deep breath, Rocky leaned up and addressed the room. "We'll be doing this 'bare bones,' then. Someone tell the pilot, this is gonna be a tight drop."


The airship tore through the clouds, emerging high above England like a swooping eagle. The sun was creeping over the horizon, painting the land of buildings and cities in a warm, shining orange. They were spotted well before they even came near the palace, thousands of eyes below, citizen and terrorist, looking upward at the new presence descending from the heavens. They were soaring toward the palace at breakneck speed, approaching the massive structure with no time for an element of surprise.

"Captain, they see us!" The pilot announced through the radio.

"All of London can see us!" Rocky shouted, yanking tight the cables for his flight suit. The others mirrored him, suiting up for an incredibly dangerous drop. "Alright, everyone listen up!" He had to bark over the roaring of the engines outside, overcharged with power as the airship accelerated. "We're about to fly over the masonry of the palace! We're all going to jump out, activate our suits, and glide onto the roof! We'll get in from there, but Burton will stay behind!"

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