Accident Summoning

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In the isles of a local library, an 18 year old transfer student from Canada scratches his short brown hair while casually scanning the multiple rows of books with his clear blue eyes in search of nothing in particular until he comes across the fantasy section. Becoming intrigued, he starts reading the different titles while saying to himself, "ooh. Haven't really dabbled in fantasy in a while, I wonder what's new."

As he continues to walk and scan the shelves, he sees something that catches his attention. As he pulls the book out, he doesn't pay any attention to the guy in the green hoody reading a book next to him. As he starts to read the forward and prologue, he becomes distracted by a faint light emanating next to him. Becoming confused, he looks over while asking himself, "where is that light coming from?"

To his surprise, he sees the guy standing next to him looking equally as confused as he was at the book in his hand which for no apparent reason, was glowing a white light. Not sure what was going on, he asks, "what's up with your book?"

The guy looks over at him but before he could answer his question, the light suddenly grows in size until it had consumed not only the guy but basically the whole isle was blanketed in an all consuming white light. The transfer student closes his eyes tightly and desperately tries to shield his eyes from the light until it suddenly goes dark. Unsure of what just happened, he slowly opens his eyes and what he sees or more specifically doesn't see absolutely shocks him as he asks himself, "why is it so dark? Did a black out hit the library?"

With it being practically pitch black, he was forced to stand still while trying to figure out what was going on though for some reason it wasn't quite. He can hear a muffled voice through what he assumes was a wall saying, "O' four cardinal heroes of old! Please help save our world!"

As he listened to what sounded like multiple people walking away on the other side of the wall, he couldn't help but ask, "cardinal heroes? Save the world? Is someone watching a movie during the blackout?"

Though as he says this, it only makes less sense as he realizes, "but there were windows in the library? So it shouldn't be pitch black? And why does it feel so claustrophobic?"

As he tries to figure out this, he reaches out and feels for the bookshelf that should be in front of him but to his confusion, he doesn't feel anything. Not sure what to think, he takes a step forward while asking himself, "what the hell? Where'd the shelf go?"

Since it was dark, he didn't know what was around him, especially at his feet since as he steps forward, he trips over something, which sends him stumbling forward and as he reaches forward, he asks himself, "what the hell?"

While stumbling forward, he is able to stabilize himself against a wall but before he could regain his balance, the wall gives out and before he could even react, he goes crashing forward but as he does, he gets blinded by a bright light which stops him from properly bracing himself and he crashes to the floor.

Now blinded and sprawled out on the ground, he could only groan in discomfort while thinking, "what the hell is going on?"

With enough strength, he is able to roll onto his back and with his eyesight returning, what he saw didn't help his confusion as he looks up at the stone ceiling above while asking himself, "What the? There's no way this is the library but where am I?"

He slowly sits up, he becomes surprised to see a broom at his feet and when he looks forward, he becomes even more confused while asking himself, "why was I in a broom closet?"

With nothing up until this point making much sense to him, he slowly gets to his feet and looks at the stone walls around him which are decorated with portraits and fancy looking silk drapes. As he continues to look up and down the halls of what appears to be some sort of medieval castle, he couldn't help but sigh disheartedly and while rubbing his temples, he mutters, "I'm getting the strange feeling that I'm no longer in the library, let alone Japan."

He sees a window near by but when he looks outside, he was absolutely shocked to be able to see not only that he was in a castle but was able to see miles of open plains in all directions with the only notable landmarks being dirt roads and a river off in the distance. As he looked out the window wide eyed, all he could really say was, "Toto, we ain't in Kansas anymore."

With himself more or less frozen in place and preoccupied with the new turn of events, he fails to hear the pair of metal boots moving towards him until he hears someone shouting, "You there! Stay where you are!!!"

Caught off guard by the sudden shout, Burchard looks over, only to be surprised to see a man in full plate armour marching toward him with a strange trident like spear in hand. Confused as to what was going on, he could only stand there as the knight comes to a stop in front of him and shouts, "what are you doing here?"

Unsure exactly how to answer, he replies, "uh, honestly I have no idea."

Unfortunately for him, the knight didn't seem to like this answer and with the grip on his spear tightening, he snaps, "Your terrible at lies! Now tell me why you're here!!!"

Becoming a bit nervous and again not having any other explanation, he replies, "I'm telling the truth!"

He points at the still open door of the closet while continuing, "at one moment I was in a library, next thing I know, I was in that closet."

The guard seems surprised to hear this which provides some relief for him but that quickly leaves him as the guard takes a step back and while pointing his spear at him shouts, "that's the dumbest lie I've ever heard!"

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