Not a Great Day for Anyone

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The next morning, Burchard continues to lie uncomfortably on the floor but was able to at least sleep somewhat soundly, though it gets interrupted by the sound of multiple metal boots marching down the hallway while someone shouts, "this way! He should still be in his room."

Shocked awake, he quickly shoots up and starts looking around the room in a panic while saying, "wait what where who?"

While still panicking, he gets taken out of it when he gets smacked in the face by a pillow while hearing Kizuna shouting at him, "hey! I'm trying to sleep."

Finally regaining his senses, he slowly turns his sore neck and sees Kizuna lying in bed and under the covers though he feels a chill when he meets her cold gaze as she asks, "why are you being so loud?"

A bit afraid of her, he was about to say something but before he could, they both hear the sounds of multiple footsteps outside while a confused sounding guy asks, "hey! What's going on?"

Confused to hear this, Burchard continues to look at the door while asking, "What's going on out there?"

Though she too was listening intently, Kizuna didn't seem to care since she rolls over and snuggles up in bed while snapping, "don't care, right now I want to get as much sleep as I can before the morning wake up call."

Though he was still confused by everything that had just happened, he decides that she made a good point so he simply lies back down and closes his eyes, though before he could fall back asleep, someone comes walking down the hall while ringing a bell and shouting, "alright everyone! Wake up call!"

He lies there silently, though a feeling of dread slowly creeps into his heart when he hears Kizuna slowly raising from her bed while muttering, "you got to be kidding me."

Realizing that he couldn't pretend to sleep at this point, he opens his eyes then slowly sits up while stretching soundly then looks over at her with an innocent smile while saying, "morning."

All she could do was glare back at him while scratching her messy hair until finally sighing in annoyance then says, "you're lucky this place has a complimentary breakfast, or I'd make you treat me for waking me up."

Relived to hear this, he slowly gets to his feet while saying, "well I'm glad that's the case."

With something coming to mind, he says, "not gonna lie, I'm surprised you were able to sleep so soundly in a room with a guy you hardly know."

While doing up her pigtails, she simply shrugs then responds, "I wasn't worried that you'd try anything."

A bit surprised to hear this, he asks, "really? Didn't realize you trusted me that much?"

For some reason, she shakes her head in response and while stepping onto the floor, she replies, "it's not that I trust you."

Even more surprised than before, he was going to ask her what she meant but before he could, he gets an answer when she reaches under the covers and quickly pulls out a large sword which she points at his face. He was shocked and frozen in place due to the new threat but before he could properly react, she slyly grins at him while continuing, "it's because if you did try something, I wouldn't think twice about cutting you into multiple pieces."

All he could really do at this point was slowly raise his hands in surrender while asking, "uh.... Where did that come from?"

A bit surprised that he'd ask that at a time like this, she pulls it away then while effortlessly holding it up in one hand, she replies, "well this is the legendary hunting tool so it's always with me."

For some reason, her response doesn't seem to help his confusion since he asks, "but I thought your tool was a fishing rod?"

She looked back at him confused for a moment, then when something dons on her she says, "oh yeah."

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