Stuck With You

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After walking for a half hour or so, Burchard and Kizuna finally make it to castle town. Burchard carefully scans the area for any sign of that rich idiot's guards while Kizuna couldn't help but look around with wide sparkling eyes and saying, "look at all the people and shops!"

Though he tried his best, he had a hard time keeping up with her as she more or less bounced around the whole market while he shouts, "slow down! You're gonna get lost!"

While still smiling with glee, she comes to a stop in front of a fruit stall and looks back at him while shouting, "how can I slow down? It's been years since I've even seen one person let alone this many!!!"

He walks up to her while saying with annoyance, "yeah but what if you get in trouble?"

To his annoyance, she starts to laugh at him then with a smug smile responds, "awe.... I didn't realize you cared so much about me?"

She pretends to wipe a tear off of her cheek while continuing, "I am truly touched."

Annoyed by her mocking act, he could only scoff at her while saying, "I couldn't care less if anything happens to you but if you get in trouble then I could be guilty by association."

Though she felt insulted, she decides to ignore him and instead turns her attention back to the fruit stand and with a smile starts asking the shopkeeper questions. While this happens, Burchard could only rub his temples in annoyance while thinking, "she's gonna drive me crazy isn't she?"

As he looks up, he becomes surprised when he sees Kizuna holding up what appears to be an apple while looking confused. Unsure of what was going on, Burchard walks up to her while asking, "what's up?"

While still sporting a confused look, she looks over at him and shows him the apple while saying, "they said this was an appel?"

Unsure as to what she was confused about, he responds, "uh.... Yeah? That's what apples are called here?"

To his confusion, she shakes her head then responds, "it shouldn't be called that. It should be called an appa?"

He was surprised to hear this but as he thinks about what she meant, he notices her eyes starting to dart around the whole market while saying, "wait.... none of this is familiar?"

Again he was confused to hear this but before he could ask, she starts dashing around from stall to stall and asking each vendor about There products. With every answer she got, she seemed to fall deeper and deeper into despair until she comes to a stop in the middle of the road and stood there wide eyed and silent. Becoming concerned, he walks over to her while asking, "Kizuna, what's wrong?"

Her head slowly cranks over and starts to look at him but instead of answering his question, she asks, "what's this place called?"

Even though he was a bit nervous to reply, the fear in her eyes made him not want to lie, so he replies, "Melromarc."

She goes quiet until suddenly, she falls to her knees with her hands just barely able to catch herself and while staring at the ground, she mutters, "this.... this isn't my world."

Becoming quite concerned, he takes a knee next to her and gently puts his hand on her back while asking, "Kizuna?"

She doesn't move which only adds to his concern but before he could ask any further questions, her head slowly cranks over and was now glaring at him which sends a cold chill down his spine due to her icy gaze while she mutters, "this is your fault."

A bit caught off guard by the accusation, he looks back at her confused while asking, "what? How is it my fault?"

She pushes herself up but was still kneeling while snapping at him, "of course it's your fault! All of this started when I got teleported to you!"

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