Unfortunate Confinement

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With nothing really making sense at this point, he was a bit surprised that being in a jail was the first thing to actually make some sense to him though it wasn't exactly a great comfort to him since he now found himself under arrest and in a jail cell. While panicking, he desperately pulls on the bars while shouting, "please! You have to believe me! This is all just a misunderstanding!"

With a guard walking over to him, he was relieved that he could plead his case but before he could even speak, the guard reaches through the bars and grabs his shirt then slams him against the bars while shouting in his face, "no talking! Keep it up and I'll shut you up permanently!"

Too scared to talk back, he simply nods in response. Getting the answer he wanted, the guard lets go of his shirt, causing him to more or less crumble to the ground as the guard walks back to his post while saying, "you should consider yourself lucky that you tried breaking in during the summoning of the cardinal heroes. Everyone's too busy to think about a low life like you."

Now on his knees and with what little hope he had left slowly leaving him, all he could really do was stare at the ground while muttering, "what do I even do now?"

"It is unwise to agitate the guards."

He freezes in place. When he was first thrown in here, he had assumed that he was alone but with the woman's voice speaking behind. He came to the sudden, horrifying realization that he was in fact not alone. He was sitting there as still as possible, hoping that maybe, just maybe she would just leave him alone but as he hears someone walking towards him. He realizes that it was no use and as he slowly turns towards her, he couldn't help but think, "how does this keep getting worse?"

Now facing his cellmate, he was quite shocked to see a young woman with long strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes standing in front of him. Since this was probably the last thing he was expecting to see, he couldn't help but stare wide eyed at her while thinking, "she's pretty cute."

Seeming to notice his unflinching gaze, she looks back at him a bit annoyed while stating, "you do know it is rude to stare."

With her words seeming to click and him quickly realizing what he was doing, his head almost snaps away while he blurts out, "sorry!"

He sits there mortified at what he did though what definitely didn't help was hearing the guard screaming at him, "I SAID KEEP IT DOWN!"

Now terrified, he sits there as silently as possible while thinking, "oh crap, at this rate I'm either getting killed by the guard or my cellmate."

As he continues to sit there silently preparing for his probable death, he gets a bit thrown off when he hears his cellmate appearing to stifle a laughter. Thinking he had nothing else to lose, and with curiosity getting the better of him, he slowly turns around only to see her in fact stifling a laughter. With the terror he felt being replaced by confusion, he couldn't help but ask, "what's so funny?"

Hearing the question, she stops laughing but continues to smile softly at him while saying, "sorry, that was quite rude of me. It has been so long since I've been amused that I couldn't help myself."

Though he was annoyed at being laughed at, being smiled at by a cute girl seemed to ease the pain but he couldn't enjoy it for long as he realizes that there was a more pressing matter, he stands up while asking, "all good but who are you exactly?"

While still smiling, she takes a step back while saying, "allow me to introduce myself."

She gracefully bows while continuing, "my name is Éclair Seaetto."

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