Strange Turn of Events

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Now alone in the middle of the road, Burchard wasn't exactly sure what he should do now but just standing there probably wasn't the best idea so he starts walking. As he walks, he couldn't help but look around in amazement while thinking, "haven't had a chance to really look around with everything that was happening, but now that I have a chance, this place is pretty cool."

From the medieval infrastructure to the different races of people walking around, he couldn't help but marvel at all the amazing sights before him until one thing in particular catches his eyes, a very fluffy thing. He stops dead in his tracks and his eyes go wide when he sees the large blue feathery bird standing in front of him. He couldn't help but go giddy with joy as he forces himself not to skip towards the large bird which stood hooked up to a wagon while thinking, "it looks so fluffy!!!"

As he walks up to the large bird, it slowly looks back at him and with its head tilted to the side, it squawks, "krah?"

His heart almost flutters from the bird's voice as he smiles gleefully and basically forgetting that he was in public since he blurts out, "you're adorable!"

While everyone else in the area was giving him weird looks, the bird continues to look at him with intrigue and using its long neck, it reaches out its head toward him in an attempt to get a better look at him while Burchard's eyes practically sparkle as he looks back at it. With its head within reach, and not really caring if anyone was watching, he slowly reaches out to it while saying, "it's okay, i just wanna pet you."

To his surprise, the bird doesn't move away but instead, leans forward till the top of its head touches his hand. The second his hand sinks into those feathers, a feeling of bliss radiates all over as he thinks to himself, "it's so fluffy!!!"

As he starts gently scratching its head, the bird closes its eyes and seems to really enjoy it which only makes him happier as he says with glee, "this is heaven! If I could do this forever then I could die happy!"

Though he was happy with just petting him for the rest of the day, he couldn't help but notice a slight bit of discomfort in the birds expression, becoming a bit worried, he stops scratching its head and asks, "what's wrong? Am I hurting you?"

Seeming to understand the question, a look of sadness comes over it, it lowers its head and looks at one of its legs. Burchard kneels down and when he gets a good look at its leg, he is shocked to see an injury and as he reaches out to inspect it, he says, "your hurt pretty bad."

Though he barely touched it, the bird winces in discomfort which causes him to pull back his hand while saying, "sorry."

He looks back up at the bird only to become heartbroken to see the bird with tears in its eyes. Though he didn't own it, he just couldn't leave this poor thing in pain so he reaches into his bag while saying, "I think I have something that should help."

The bird looks at him with a mix of pain and intrigue as he pulls out a cloth and strange bottle filled with a green liquid. The bird continues to watch him curiously while he douses the cloth with the liquid while he tells it, "this might sting but it should help."

The bird seems to understand him as it looks like it braces itself. It winces a bit as Burchard gently ties the cloth around its leg. With the cloth secured, Burchard stands up then pets the birds head again while saying with a smile, "there, the healing potion should do the trick."

The bird chirps happily back at him in thanks but before he could enjoy petting the bird, he hears an angry sounding man screaming, "GET AWAY FROM MY FILOLIAL!!!"

In an instant, the bird becomes scared and hides its head behind Burchard, becoming concerned he looks behind himself while asking, "what's wrong?"

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